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syntax.cpp File Reference
#include <qsyntaxhighlighter.h>
#include "textdoc.h"
#include "syntax.h"
#include "main.h"
Include dependency graph for syntax.cpp:

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typedef const char * pChar
typedef const char ** ppChar


pChar VHD_List_A []
pChar VHD_List_B [] = {"begin", "block", "body", "buffer", "bus", 0}
pChar VHD_List_C [] = {"case", "component", "configuration", "constant", 0}
pChar VHD_List_D [] = {"disconnect", "downto", 0}
pChar VHD_List_E [] = {"else", "elsif", "end", "entity", "exit", 0}
pChar VHD_List_F [] = {"file", "for", "function", 0}
pChar VHD_List_G [] = {"generate", "generic", "group", "guarded", 0}
pChar VHD_List_I [] = {"if", "impure", "in", "inertial", "inout", "is", 0}
pChar VHD_List_L [] = {"label", "library", "linkage", "literal", "loop", 0}
pChar VHD_List_M [] = {"map", "mod", 0}
pChar VHD_List_N [] = {"nand", "new", "next", "nor", "not", "null", 0}
pChar VHD_List_O [] = {"of", "on", "open", "or", "others", "out", 0}
pChar VHD_List_P []
pChar VHD_List_R []
pChar VHD_List_S []
pChar VHD_List_T [] = {"then", "to", "transport", "type", 0}
pChar VHD_List_U [] = {"unaffected", "units", "until", "use", 0}
pChar VHD_List_V [] = {"variable", 0}
pChar VHD_List_W [] = {"wait", "when", "while", "with", 0}
pChar VHD_List_X [] = {"xnor", "xor", 0}
ppChar VHD_WordList []
pChar VHD_List_Units []
pChar VHD_List_DataTypes []
pChar V_List_A [] = {"always", "and", "assign", "attribute", 0}
pChar V_List_B [] = {"begin", "buf", "bufif0", "bufif1", 0}
pChar V_List_C [] = {"case", "casex", "casez", "cmos", 0}
pChar V_List_D [] = {"deassign", "default", "defparam", "disable", 0}
pChar V_List_E []
pChar V_List_F [] = {"for", "force", "forever", "fork", "function", 0}
pChar V_List_H [] = {"highz0", "highz1", 0}
pChar V_List_I [] = {"if", "ifnone", "initial", "inout", "input", 0}
pChar V_List_J [] = {"join", 0}
pChar V_List_L [] = {"large", 0}
pChar V_List_M [] = {"medium", "module", "macromodule", 0}
pChar V_List_N []
pChar V_List_O [] = {"or", "output", 0}
pChar V_List_P []
pChar V_List_R []
pChar V_List_S []
pChar V_List_T [] = {"table", "task", "tran", "tranif0", "tranif1", 0}
pChar V_List_U [] = {"unsigned", 0}
pChar V_List_V [] = {"vectored", 0}
pChar V_List_W [] = {"wait", "weak0", "weak1", "while", 0}
pChar V_List_X [] = {"xnor", "xor", 0}
ppChar V_WordList []
pChar V_List_Directives []
pChar V_List_DataTypes []
pChar V_List_Functions []
pChar VA_List_A [] = {"abstol", "access", "analog", "ac_stim", "analysis", 0}
pChar VA_List_B [] = {"begin", "branch", "bound_step", 0}
pChar VA_List_C [] = {"case", 0}
pChar VA_List_D []
pChar VA_List_E []
pChar VA_List_F []
pChar VA_List_G [] = {"generate", "ground", 0}
pChar VA_List_I []
pChar VA_List_L []
pChar VA_List_M [] = {"module", 0}
pChar VA_List_N [] = {"nature", "noise_table", 0}
pChar VA_List_P [] = {"potential", "parameter", 0}
pChar VA_List_S [] = {"slew", 0}
pChar VA_List_T [] = {"timer", "transition", 0}
pChar VA_List_U [] = {"units", 0}
pChar VA_List_W [] = {"white_noise", "while", 0}
pChar VA_List_Z [] = {"zi_nd", "zi_np", "zi_zd", "zi_zp", 0}
ppChar VA_WordList []
pChar VA_List_Units []
pChar VA_List_Directives []
pChar VA_List_DataTypes []
pChar VA_List_Functions []
pChar OCT_List_C [] = {"case", "catch", 0}
pChar OCT_List_E []
pChar OCT_List_F [] = {"for", "function", 0}
pChar OCT_List_I [] = {"if", 0}
pChar OCT_List_O [] = {"otherwise", 0}
pChar OCT_List_S [] = {"switch", 0}
pChar OCT_List_T [] = {"try", 0}
pChar OCT_List_U [] = {"unwind_protect", "unwind_protect_cleanup", 0}
pChar OCT_List_W [] = {"while", 0}
ppChar OCT_WordList []
pChar OCT_List_DataTypes []
pChar OCT_List_Functions []
pChar VHD_List_Attrib_A [] = {"active", "ascending", 0}
pChar VHD_List_Attrib_B [] = {"base", 0}
pChar VHD_List_Attrib_D [] = {"delayed", 0}
pChar VHD_List_Attrib_E [] = {"event", 0}
pChar VHD_List_Attrib_H [] = {"high", 0}
pChar VHD_List_Attrib_I [] = {"image", 0}
pChar VHD_List_Attrib_L []
pChar VHD_List_Attrib_P [] = {"pos", "pred", 0}
pChar VHD_List_Attrib_Q [] = {"quiet", 0}
pChar VHD_List_Attrib_R [] = {"range", "reverse_range", "right", "rightof", 0}
pChar VHD_List_Attrib_S [] = {"stable", "succ", 0}
pChar VHD_List_Attrib_T [] = {"transaction", 0}
pChar VHD_List_Attrib_V [] = {"val", "value", 0}
ppChar VHD_Attribute_List []

Typedef Documentation

typedef const char* pChar

Definition at line 200 of file syntax.cpp.

typedef const char** ppChar

Definition at line 201 of file syntax.cpp.

Variable Documentation

pChar OCT_List_C[] = {"case", "catch", 0}

Definition at line 355 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar OCT_List_DataTypes[]
Initial value:
= {
"inf", "nan", "pi", 0}

Definition at line 378 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar OCT_List_E[]
Initial value:
= {"else", "elseif", "end", "endfor", "endfunction",
"endif", "endswitch", "end_try_catch", "endwhile",
"end_unwind_protect", 0}

Definition at line 356 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar OCT_List_F[] = {"for", "function", 0}

Definition at line 359 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar OCT_List_Functions[]
Initial value:
{"plot", 0}

Definition at line 381 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar OCT_List_I[] = {"if", 0}

Definition at line 360 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar OCT_List_O[] = {"otherwise", 0}

Definition at line 361 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar OCT_List_S[] = {"switch", 0}

Definition at line 362 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar OCT_List_T[] = {"try", 0}

Definition at line 363 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar OCT_List_U[] = {"unwind_protect", "unwind_protect_cleanup", 0}

Definition at line 364 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar OCT_List_W[] = {"while", 0}

Definition at line 365 of file syntax.cpp.

ppChar OCT_WordList[]
Initial value:
{0, 0, (ppChar)&OCT_List_C,
0, 0, (ppChar)&OCT_List_I,
0, 0, 0,
0, 0, (ppChar)&OCT_List_O,
0, 0, 0,
0, (ppChar)&OCT_List_W, 0,
0, 0}

Definition at line 367 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_A[] = {"always", "and", "assign", "attribute", 0}

Definition at line 251 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_B[] = {"begin", "buf", "bufif0", "bufif1", 0}

Definition at line 252 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_C[] = {"case", "casex", "casez", "cmos", 0}

Definition at line 253 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_D[] = {"deassign", "default", "defparam", "disable", 0}

Definition at line 254 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_DataTypes[]
Initial value:
= {
"reg", "integer", "time", "real", "realtime", "wire", "tri", "wor",
"trior", "wand", "triand", "tri0", "tri1", "supply0", "supply1", "trireg",
"parameter", "specparam", "event", 0}

Definition at line 294 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_Directives[]
Initial value:
{"reset_all", "timescale", "define", "include", "ifdef", "else", "endif",
"celldefine", "endcelldefine", "default_nettype", "unconnected_drive",
"nounconnected_drive", "delay_mode_zero", "delay_mode_unit",
"delay_mode_path", "delay_mode_distributed", "uselib", 0}

Definition at line 288 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_E[]
Initial value:
= {"edge", "else", "end", "endattribute", "endcase",
"endfunction", "endmodule", "endprimitive", "endspecify",
"endtable", "endtask", "event", 0}

Definition at line 255 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_F[] = {"for", "force", "forever", "fork", "function", 0}

Definition at line 258 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_Functions[]
Initial value:
{"setup", "hold", "setuphold", "skew", "recovery", "period", "width",
"monitor", "display", "write", "strobe", "fopen", "fclose", "time",
"stime", "realtime", "timeformat", "printtimescale", "random", "readmemb",
"readmemh", "finish", "stop", 0}

Definition at line 299 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_H[] = {"highz0", "highz1", 0}

Definition at line 259 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_I[] = {"if", "ifnone", "initial", "inout", "input", 0}

Definition at line 260 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_J[] = {"join", 0}

Definition at line 261 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_L[] = {"large", 0}

Definition at line 262 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_M[] = {"medium", "module", "macromodule", 0}

Definition at line 263 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_N[]
Initial value:
= {"nand", "negedge", "nmos", "nor", "not", "notif0",
"notif1", 0}

Definition at line 264 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_O[] = {"or", "output", 0}

Definition at line 266 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_P[]
Initial value:
= {"pmos", "posedge", "primitive", "pull0", "pull1",
"pulldown", "pullup", 0}

Definition at line 267 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_R[]
Initial value:
= {"rcmos", "release", "repeat",
"rnmos", "rpmos", "rtran", "rtranif0", "rtranif1", 0}

Definition at line 269 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_S[]
Initial value:
= {"scalared", "signed", "small", "specify", "strength",
"strong0", "strong1", 0}

Definition at line 271 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_T[] = {"table", "task", "tran", "tranif0", "tranif1", 0}

Definition at line 273 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_U[] = {"unsigned", 0}

Definition at line 274 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_V[] = {"vectored", 0}

Definition at line 275 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_W[] = {"wait", "weak0", "weak1", "while", 0}

Definition at line 276 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar V_List_X[] = {"xnor", "xor", 0}

Definition at line 277 of file syntax.cpp.

ppChar V_WordList[]
pChar VA_List_A[] = {"abstol", "access", "analog", "ac_stim", "analysis", 0}

Definition at line 307 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VA_List_B[] = {"begin", "branch", "bound_step", 0}

Definition at line 308 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VA_List_C[] = {"case", 0}

Definition at line 309 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VA_List_D[]
Initial value:
= {"discipline", "ddt_nature", "ddt", "delay",
"discontinuity", "default", 0 }

Definition at line 310 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VA_List_DataTypes[]
Initial value:
= {
"integer", "real", 0}

Definition at line 347 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VA_List_Directives[]
Initial value:
{"define", "else", "undef", "ifdef", "endif", "include", "resetall", 0}

Definition at line 344 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VA_List_E[]
Initial value:
= {"enddiscipline", "else", "end", "endnature", "exclude",
"endfunction", "endmodule", "electrical", "endcase", 0}

Definition at line 312 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VA_List_F[]
Initial value:
= {"for", "flow", "from", "final_step", "flicker_noise",
"function", 0}

Definition at line 314 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VA_List_Functions[]
Initial value:
{"realtime", "temperature", "vt", "display", "strobe", 0}

Definition at line 350 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VA_List_G[] = {"generate", "ground", 0}

Definition at line 316 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VA_List_I[]
Initial value:
= {"if", "idt_nature", "inf", "idt", "initial_step",
"input", "inout", 0}

Definition at line 317 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VA_List_L[]
Initial value:
= {"laplace_nd", "laplace_np", "laplace_zd", "laplace_zp",
"last_crossing", 0}

Definition at line 319 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VA_List_M[] = {"module", 0}

Definition at line 321 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VA_List_N[] = {"nature", "noise_table", 0}

Definition at line 322 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VA_List_P[] = {"potential", "parameter", 0}

Definition at line 323 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VA_List_S[] = {"slew", 0}

Definition at line 324 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VA_List_T[] = {"timer", "transition", 0}

Definition at line 325 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VA_List_U[] = {"units", 0}

Definition at line 326 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VA_List_Units[]
Initial value:
{"T", "G", "M", "K", "m", "u", "n", "p", "f", "a", 0}

Definition at line 341 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VA_List_W[] = {"white_noise", "while", 0}

Definition at line 327 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VA_List_Z[] = {"zi_nd", "zi_np", "zi_zd", "zi_zp", 0}

Definition at line 328 of file syntax.cpp.

ppChar VA_WordList[]
ppChar VHD_Attribute_List[]
pChar VHD_List_A[]
Initial value:
= {"abs", "access", "after", "alias", "all", "and",
"architecture", "array", "assert", "attribute", 0}

Definition at line 205 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_Attrib_A[] = {"active", "ascending", 0}

Definition at line 526 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_Attrib_B[] = {"base", 0}

Definition at line 527 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_Attrib_D[] = {"delayed", 0}

Definition at line 528 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_Attrib_E[] = {"event", 0}

Definition at line 529 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_Attrib_H[] = {"high", 0}

Definition at line 530 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_Attrib_I[] = {"image", 0}

Definition at line 531 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_Attrib_L[]
Initial value:
= {"last_active", "last_event", "last_value", "left",
"leftof", "length", "low", 0}

Definition at line 532 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_Attrib_P[] = {"pos", "pred", 0}

Definition at line 534 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_Attrib_Q[] = {"quiet", 0}

Definition at line 535 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_Attrib_R[] = {"range", "reverse_range", "right", "rightof", 0}

Definition at line 536 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_Attrib_S[] = {"stable", "succ", 0}

Definition at line 537 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_Attrib_T[] = {"transaction", 0}

Definition at line 538 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_Attrib_V[] = {"val", "value", 0}

Definition at line 539 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_B[] = {"begin", "block", "body", "buffer", "bus", 0}

Definition at line 207 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_C[] = {"case", "component", "configuration", "constant", 0}

Definition at line 208 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_D[] = {"disconnect", "downto", 0}

Definition at line 209 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_DataTypes[]
Initial value:
= {
"bit", "bit_vector", "boolean", "std_logic", "std_logic_vector",
"std_ulogic", "std_ulogic_vector", "signed", "unsigned", "integer",
"real", "time", "character", "natural", 0}

Definition at line 244 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_E[] = {"else", "elsif", "end", "entity", "exit", 0}

Definition at line 210 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_F[] = {"file", "for", "function", 0}

Definition at line 211 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_G[] = {"generate", "generic", "group", "guarded", 0}

Definition at line 212 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_I[] = {"if", "impure", "in", "inertial", "inout", "is", 0}

Definition at line 213 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_L[] = {"label", "library", "linkage", "literal", "loop", 0}

Definition at line 214 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_M[] = {"map", "mod", 0}

Definition at line 215 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_N[] = {"nand", "new", "next", "nor", "not", "null", 0}

Definition at line 216 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_O[] = {"of", "on", "open", "or", "others", "out", 0}

Definition at line 217 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_P[]
Initial value:
= {"package", "port", "postponed", "procedure", "process",
"pure", 0}

Definition at line 218 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_R[]
Initial value:
= {"range", "record", "register", "reject", "rem", "report",
"return", "rol", "ror", 0}

Definition at line 220 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_S[]
Initial value:
= {"select", "severity", "shared", "signal", "sla", "sll",
"sra", "srl", "subtype", 0}

Definition at line 222 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_T[] = {"then", "to", "transport", "type", 0}

Definition at line 224 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_U[] = {"unaffected", "units", "until", "use", 0}

Definition at line 225 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_Units[]
Initial value:
{"fs", "ps", "ns", "us", "ms", "sec", "min", "hr", 0}

Definition at line 241 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_V[] = {"variable", 0}

Definition at line 226 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_W[] = {"wait", "when", "while", "with", 0}

Definition at line 227 of file syntax.cpp.

pChar VHD_List_X[] = {"xnor", "xor", 0}

Definition at line 228 of file syntax.cpp.

ppChar VHD_WordList[]