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1 Comment

John MonsterID Icon John · August 27, 2010 at 7:09 am

Not only is this search without a warrant; it is irresponsible irradiation of people in the public. How would these people feel if I went around and randomly irradiated them with x-rays? Are they going to pay for my cancer treatments?

Are they going to pay to support my family after I die of cancer from over exposure to x-rays? After all, it takes a far greater dose of x-rays to penetrate steel than it does flesh. So, no matter how 'safe' they may say it is, it is only the operator who is safe behind the monitor.

What next?? Perhaps they'll find a way to justify sticking a camera/gps probe up our butts so they can keep track of us. There has already been talk of making insertion of grain of rice sized RFID chips in us at birth so we can be ID'd from scanners. Sure, you have a right to remain silent; but your RFID chip will rat you out anyways.

They don't wear swastikas anymore; but they are still playing the same old game; and we're not too far from putting people into concentration camps… or, maybe that's what all the new jailhouse construction is all about…  In any case, the end of American freedom is closing in on us, fast!

One of our Founding Fathers said that Democracy doesn't work unless there's a revolution every twenty years. I think we're overdue…
Of course, this is just my opinion; I could be wrong.

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