It feels alot like the hatred I have of frauds.

I suspect I’m not the only one who feels this way.  

I’m sorry to say now that I hope we go into a major financial depression in which the government loses any ability to command credit.   I’d like to see the day come when no one would even remotely consider lending money to the federal government.

I want to see all the frauds that caused this debacle washed out of the system.  From the very bottom where financial idiots bought too much house all the way up to the politicians that forced banks to write loans to people who were obviously bad credit risks.  

I hope fire rains on this economy.

Categories: Politics


hazeleyes MonsterID Icon hazeleyes · October 4, 2008 at 10:20 am

Me too. I understand perfectly why you feel the way you do and think any other state of mind relating to this issue would abnormal.

I feel that the US government is utterly out of control and has absolutely no connection with citizens anymore. Government is not only NOT the solution to any problem anyone can name, but is an enemy of the citizens of what should no longer be called “the United States”.

What would Socrates advise?

Will I be forced to drink hemlock for asking that question?

webmaster MonsterID Icon webmaster · October 4, 2008 at 1:32 pm

If you get in the way of monetary velocity you will be forced to drink the Socratic Hemlock.

That’s because they only tax money velocity for the most part. But you can bet they would love to tax property which of course is a Proportional tax.

OOh my god I just realized they do not understand PID controllers. ( P.I.D. = Proportional Integral Differential ). That is scary. PID’s are much more effective at controlling.

Sometimes I think would be happier if I was not an engineer. If I was a silly stupid liberal cow with no sense.

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