Now for the reading impaired you can listen to Ritard Lespy read this article.

This post is about a growing phenomenon affecting our planet.  In 1820, the earth rotated on it’s axis once every 86,400 seconds.  Today, it takes an entire 86,400.002 seconds.  Our beloved Earth’s rotation is slowing at an alarming rate and is in direct positive correlation with the number of tall buildings we are constructing — shifting our concentration of mass outward.  The geophysical implications could be dire, and we are obviously to blame!  There really is no other explanation but this atrocious raping of Mother Earth.

Please join "Terrestrials Against Rotational Decay", and hopefully we can lobby Congress and the United Nations to put an end to the senseless construction of tall buildings around the world.  Forward this to at least 10 people if you care at all about children, puppies, and sunshine.  Don’t be an evil douche bag.  You can be a part of something.  You can make a difference!

On a related topic help support the anti DiHydrogen Monoxide campaign!

Categories: FunnyMMGW


OldBob MonsterID Icon OldBob · September 1, 2008 at 8:18 pm

Well, TARDS, it now takes less time to complete a rotation than in 1820 … so it speeding up! (Or was that the whole point … just sayin’)

Kevin MonsterID Icon Kevin · September 2, 2008 at 12:15 am

Ok, So if the rotation of the earth took 86,400 seconds in 1820 and it takes 85,400.002 seconds today wouldn’t the earth be rotating faster? Just throwing it out there….

webmaster MonsterID Icon webmaster · September 2, 2008 at 12:43 am

rot velocity = angle displacement / Time …. time is bigger … velocity is smaller.

webmaster MonsterID Icon webmaster · September 2, 2008 at 12:46 am

Noooo …OldBobber… takes longer NOW. But either way its just an excuse to use the acronym T.A.R.D. in a case rather reminiscent of MMGW

Tony MonsterID Icon Tony · September 2, 2008 at 2:04 am

It doesnt make sense that all the tall building would affect the rotation of the earth! It’s not like we went to outer space and got the materials to build them , all the materials come from here. Just the fact that polar caps are melting at a high rate of speed and supposedly this is suppose to flood parts of the earth. Not logical there’s not more water than before , kinda gets you thinking ….. the only thing I can think of that might affect the rotation of the Earth is the magnet flux from the sun through the holes in our atmosphere, but then again the sun is at it’s solar minimum
so go figure.

eduardo MonsterID Icon eduardo · September 2, 2008 at 4:12 am

I think you’ve got a typo there. Are you saying there was a sixteen minute delta in the length of a day, in 200 years?

webmaster MonsterID Icon webmaster · September 2, 2008 at 9:21 am

Woops. Corrected. Don’t forget to run west for 20 minutes per day to help re-speed the earth’s rotation.

webmaster MonsterID Icon webmaster · September 2, 2008 at 9:26 am

Yes Tony I prescribe caution bringing water to Earth from outer space! Its a very dangerous thing to meddle with. Worse yet if we were to bring diHydrogen Monoxide.

steviedsada MonsterID Icon steviedsada · September 30, 2008 at 11:38 pm

To Tony: There isn’t more water in the biosphere, it’s the argument that icecaps float above sea level, much like an ice cube…..floating…..on water. When ice from the top falls off displacement goes up. You can do a simple experiment with this in your kitchen. Ill explain, if you take a glass of water and take the level of water versus the water level after you add ice cubes then it will be higher. Also as things gain energy (temperature) they tend to take up even more space……I was setting up a joke but fuck it.

No one MonsterID Icon No one · October 23, 2008 at 5:13 pm

What if we all ran from east to west at the same time, wouldnt that speed things up?

Freemon SandleWould MonsterID Icon Freemon SandleWould · October 23, 2008 at 8:19 pm

Yes if we ran east to west it would speed things up a bit. However the minute we stopped it would all be back to square one. I have to use my time effectively to fight global cooling. I’m currently supporting subsidizing the usage of carbon to help slow the onset of the next ice age and you can’t very well smoke more cigarettes AND run east to west at the same time.

Pat Donnelly MonsterID Icon Pat Donnelly · August 9, 2009 at 9:54 pm

How can you attempt to be humurous at a time like this? 9 Billion souls hurtling to our doom!
We are all going to die!
Soon! But not today!

Freemon SandleWould MonsterID Icon Freemon SandleWould · August 10, 2009 at 7:58 am


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