Alot of people have been making the argument to me lately that the dollar is losing its reserve currency status.  In the long term that may or may not be true.  The problem is that if you go elsewhere in the world you will see that other governments are filled with horny ally cat politicians that have even less checks on their powers.  Thus its hard for me to see the other currencies as worthy of reserve status.  Thus if the dollar falls and you have alot of them and you want to flee where do you go?   Gold is pretty but its uses can be avoided ?

What commodity can not be avoided?  ( Unless you want to live in a cave and have a life expectancy of 30 years ) 


At a Franklin per barrel look for the next bubble here.  Its not going down from 100 even with the USA going into a recession. All that evil private money will go there trying to protect itself from debasement of the currencies.



Angela Walka MonsterID Icon Angela Walka · January 13, 2010 at 10:59 pm

I’ve been investing for around 7 years so far and I’m always watching out for helpful sites and writings. This one really strikes a chord with me and I’m leaning toward republishing it on my own site. Will you have any objection?

Freemon SandleWould MonsterID Icon Freemon SandleWould · January 14, 2010 at 3:59 pm

Go ahead. Alink back might be nice but is not mandatory.

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