Mr President T. Obama ( T is for Transparent ) will not be forthcoming on his promises for more transparent government.   This is particularly true of the bail out funds.  And how is that bail out is going for you?  I am still waiting for my check to arrive in the mail.  Have you received yours yet ?   I suspect the money goes places that would shock.  For example a large junk is probably going to be used as a slush fund to elect democrats in 2010.

None of the things Mr. T. Obama is doing are going to help the economy.  Quite the opposite our problems have been exacerbated.   All the freshly minted Obama dollars are go Wall Street and get forwarded automatically into oil and commodity speculation.  Meanwhile people have less spending power to buy.   With all the presidents crazy fixes for the economy its getting hard to tell WHO-SANE anymore.  That is before even considering the insanity of the democrats health care foist-ware.  The country has 30 million people with no health care insurance?  Democrat solution?  Put them all in jail if they do not buy health insurance.  Now THAT is lifting yourself up by the boot straps!

The best hope for democracy in the USA is for the federal government to default on its debt so no one ever lends them another dime.   There will be many more fiscal conservatives when the true weight of taxation falls upon us. 

Mister Obama is insuring he is a one term president which is good but we will all have to suffer mightily for that priviledge.

Categories: Politics

1 Comment

Mike MonsterID Icon Mike · November 25, 2009 at 8:35 am

So far, the stimulus has largely gone to line the pockets of left-wing interest groups such as big labor.  Accordingly, we can say that it is truly working as advertised: it is "stimulating" the reelection of Democrats.  Anyone who thought it was really going to solve the problems at large is as naive as a child on Christmas morning.

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