Calling all true berobed global warming believers…..I hereby will issue part 4 of The Great Global Warming Challenge! If you are a true believer and think we should burn less fossil fuel then prove your point. Since you are a lefty you believe in freedom right?  Well of course! You are an enlightened individual who would never think of coercing anyone!  Ok then.  Prove your belief in the global warming!  Go and live with the Amish.  They run around with horse and buggy.  There are few people on the planet with carbon feet smaller than them!  But do not forget what they say about men with small feet. And while you are at it do not forget about the first 3 parts of the global warming challenge summarized below. Global Warming Challenge part 3 Global Warming Challenge part 2 Global Warming Challenge part 1 You NJF MSG’s are so gay….you are chock full of webfetti.  I know you want to live in an Amish Paradise. So do it. 


Take me away to my Amish Paradise.


VSI MonsterID Icon VSI · September 15, 2008 at 9:31 pm

Again, many are walking their talk. I live near my office. I walk to work daily. I do not drive a car more than once per week. Many of my coworkers who live further away ride bicycles daily. Walking and cycling are even more efficient than using a horse and buggy. Every little bit helps. I’m hoping that your final “challenge” to “believers” is: “If you really care so much about the world, just kill yourself now; if enough of you do it, the rest of us can live on as we are…” Sweet.

webmaster MonsterID Icon webmaster · September 17, 2008 at 5:44 pm

VSI re: walking the walk: good reasons for doing what you just said:

-1- primary one is your fitness. It will make you a nicer person to be around

-2- the nation is shipping too many dollars out of the country for oil…won’t hurt to use less

But as for killing yourself that is optional. I like to think of myself as easy going so it won’t be so bad having your around if you can get past your germanic green white person neurosis. ( I am only a nominal white person … in reality I am honorary Brazilian which means I’ve overcome most of my white neurosis )

If you believe in MMGW Global Warming why are you not living as … | WordPress Testbed · June 27, 2008 at 10:59 am

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