Global warming challenge part #5 – Build this free floating man made island and start living on it .  Surely the land will be swallowed up by rising oceans. 

Its best you get started building your Al Gores Ark.   You need to err on the side of caution! Start now!

Make sure to place every  freaky species of liberal con artist on it so you can repopulate the continents after the oceans subside. It will be a paradise!  No one will have to work.  You can simply all just tax each other and subsidize your living to the Nth degree.

Remember its important you walk the talk because otherwise people might start thinking global warming is not happening.  That it is only an anti-human hoax designed to grab phenomenal amounts of power to control societies by choking energy supplies to them. You would not want that you happen would you? 


Kelly MonsterID Icon Kelly · September 5, 2008 at 8:49 am

Can we make a conservative island too? …not in case global warming isn’t a complete load, but in case a certain lib ends up running this country. i would want a conservative island to float in the middle of the ocean where you have to become educated and work hard to earn the money you need to survive instead of giving it all away to people who’ve never worked a day in their lives.

webmaster MonsterID Icon webmaster · September 5, 2008 at 9:00 am

I get cabin fever when I’m in small spaces. I was thinking we could just say they are giving out free tootsie rolls on the island and Joe Biden would start the stampede by saying “goodie tootsie rolls” and rowing there on the boat he rowed in on.

VSI MonsterID Icon VSI · September 15, 2008 at 9:39 pm

Uh, whatever. Cautionary principle: just like believing in God. If you believe, and God turns out to exist, you avoid Hell (and earn eternal life!) If you are wrong, you die anyway. All upside, right? If global warming is real, and we act (=believe), maybe we avert disaster (no Hell on Earth). If it is not real, and we act, we become more efficient (and capatalism is all about efficiency, isn’t it?) and develop sustainable technologies for humanity that will ultimately need to be developed anyway (in the long term). So is all a matter of timing. If we believe as you do, however, and you are wrong, the whole planet is going to Hell. So to summarize: believe in God, and believe that our planet is our island, and we need to err on the side of caution to preserve it for future generations.

webmaster MonsterID Icon webmaster · September 17, 2008 at 5:39 pm

To VSI: precautionary principle is OK as long as I get to dictate what we are being cautious about. If you get to decide then I am not OK with it. You see the list when you think about all the perils in the world you realize that there are infinite numbers of things we can take precautions against. That’s why you and your lefty Church of Later Day Global Warming crowd are so funny! First you say god is dead. They you resurrect a Green Gaia god that looks like the Jolly Green Giant and forwith command me to my knees for worship. You see now if you insist on me taking precautions for YOUR causes it is merely an exercise in your ego wanting gratification. May I suggest there is no Glory on the Whole in this. Or in other words if 19 tequila shots do not get the taste of your ideas out of your mouth 20 will not either.

webmaster MonsterID Icon webmaster · September 17, 2008 at 5:40 pm

Oh and I do not believe in god by the way so VSI argument is lost on me.

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