Referencing Solar Activity Diminishes; Researchers Predict Another Ice Age I put forward part II of the global warming challenge Global Warming Challenge Part I  consisted of my challenge to coastal property owning liberals and global warming adherents.  I proposed me buying their land at 10% market value since global warming guarantees their land to be swamped by rising sea levels very shortly. Global Warming Challenge Part II : The liberal adherents of the new religion MMGW say that we should all be compelled to pay taxes to help prevent man made global warming.   Now it appears solar activity is tailing off for a while.  This prompts me to ask if they will to the logical opposite and subsidize use of carbon based energy sources.  If climate is what these political operatives are concerned about then subsidizing coal usage is the logical strategy.   Following their argument if you dump CO2 into the air we can help prevent a devastating drop in world temperatures. Note By Author:  Clearly you already know the answer to if this will happen. It will not.  This is clear proof by the mathematical method of contradiction. I think you already know the reason too. It is they are not concerned about world climate. MMGW is a polical and pathological scam to grab extremely large chunks of power to regulate every last corner of the economy. Take away lesson:  Until you see one liberal accepting each of these challenges I would not take global warming serious. The total lack of takers indicates extreme insincerity on their part.


VSI MonsterID Icon VSI · September 15, 2008 at 9:23 pm

We already subsidize fossil fuel usage to the tune of billions of dollars per year. Done. Status quo answers your silly challenge. Next.

webmaster MonsterID Icon webmaster · September 17, 2008 at 5:49 pm

Er well not really. If you call not taking as much taxes as we would have a “subsidy” you are typical lib. I suspect they pay more than their fair share of taxes. ( more than suspect )…. so in reality no subsidies. What you meant to say was probably “tax break”…but I’m a libertarian so any taxes are pretty much too many.

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