Keep it up.  What looks and feels more thoughtful? What feels like freedom?  Like America?   A bunch of recycled rap or rock music?  Or is the metaphoric sound of this music that is inpired by Alaska’s great wide open?  Where the only limits are your imagination instead of some socialist bureaucrat.

Democrats seek to control, regulate and suppress creative energies.  Unless under their thumb they are not happy.

Republicans seek to inspire and uplift as a default. 

That is the difference between the theme music the democrats use and the piece used in this video.   Use rap music if you want to use the corporal urges to lure and distract.  Use the music in this piece if you want to inspire.


M.C. Cain must have really gotten someone new on board. He’s making the right moves. Sarah Palin is a female Reagan. My father said years ago when Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister that he would not mind a woman president if we got one like Margaret. I think we have our Thatcher.

Categories: MusicPolitics

1 Comment

Jeff MonsterID Icon Jeff · January 9, 2009 at 8:53 pm

What is the name of the background music they played at the Palin announcement? and the artist/composer if you have it. Please e-mail

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