I was called for jury duty in the early 1990's.  It was for murder case against Ray Krone.   I remember thinking to myself jokingly when I saw Ray Krone trotted in for a plea in front of the judge "I am going to fry that guy".     Since I am a rational human ( aka engineer ) I was not and would never be selected for jury duty.   It appears lawyers like people with ill formed minds that can easily be twisted by their foolish words.   Years later Ray Krone was exonerated after sitting in prison for 10 years.   Part of that time he was on death row for a murder he did not commit.    Maybe my  "fry that dude" joke was in poor taste.


1 Comment

Mawk MonsterID Icon Mawk · April 10, 2011 at 7:37 pm

Yeah, but don't we all make mistakes? I remember the case well and followed it for some reason. I knew about him being exonarated years ago, and I guess, being kinda of like The Under Dog kinda guy I am, I'd like to think I wouldn't have thought what you thought, but hindsight is pretty easy, especially if you take your butchers word for it, if you know what I mean?!!!

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