I never thought John McCain would never win the republican nomination. Republicans must be in total dissarray for him to be the front runner.

I think of the Democrats as the party of the rich and the poor. 

—The smart rich with low morals vote democrat because they are inherently dishonest and manipulative.  Maintaining work prohibitive tax rates maintains the value of their money.

—The dumb poor with low morals vote democrat because the smart democrats fools them with offers of free government cheese.

The middle class is republican.   I always vote republican NOT because I like them but because so far I have always thought they would do vastly less damage than the democrats.  This changes when you tell me John McCain will be the candidate of the republicans.   I doubt I will even take the time to vote.  And that from a person who started voting when Reagan was first elected and never has missed an election since.

The take away? – I think alot of republican voters will feel the same way.  Its going to take alot for McCain to get me off my ass to vote for him.   He’s a shameless self promoter.  ( I live in Arizona….I know ).  

Wake up republicans.  You are elected HilBama when you choose McCain.


1 Comment

webmaster MonsterID Icon webmaster · May 22, 2008 at 5:33 am

I have since changed my mind about McCain but only because Obama is such a Communist and worse PHONEY…..but this arty does not bode well for McCain’s chances. Because there is no enthusiasm. ………while on Obamas side the libs are enthusiastic because of their affirmative action program for the presidency.

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