Observe how neat the borders of Ben Bernanke's beard are.  The length so uniform.  This is no ordinary beard.  You may think he trims it daily but I say he needs more than specialized equipment to keep it like that.  Imagine working in a mirror trying to get it all so neatly manicured.  Have you ever tried to cut your own hair?  I posit he has another human doing the job on a daily basis.  

It's weird.  Like men wearing makeup or too many tattoos.   Or like a politician with a bedroom sized closet full of 2000 dollar suits.  Fancy men never served any purpose than leeching on society.  The smug idiotic smile does not make me feel any more confident.   I think Ben Bernanke's beard says "We're in trouble" 

Categories: Economics


Mycroft MonsterID Icon Mycroft · October 15, 2010 at 11:16 am

Trimming your own beard is the easiest thing to do.  You just use regular hair clippers with the appropriate depth plastic comb thingy and run it through the beard.  All the hairs end up the same length.  eazy peazy.

Freemon SandleWould MonsterID Icon Freemon SandleWould · October 16, 2010 at 12:23 pm

The length is easy but the margin is what I would call your attention to. The margin of Bernanke’s beard is flawless. He’s NOT doing the trimming himself. He delights in using Teaparty members as his de facto slaves.

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