I am back in southern Brazil and passed through Dallas Fort Worth airport.   I had an 8 hour wait before my flight between Dallas and Sao Paulo.   I really needed to find a nice comfortable place to rest if not sleep.  Most airport lounge chairs are pretty unconfortable by design to keep the homeless out of them.  However since you have to have a ticket to get into the gate areas one must conclude they mean the temporarily homeless also known as "a traveler".

I went to one of the information counters manned by the old folks at DFW.  The guy there mentioned there was a lounge with some really comfortable chairs.

I was remiss in my photography.  What you do not see clearly is that there are some full on permanently reclined chairs in this paradise for travelers.  Nonetheless you can see all the chairs are quite adequately stuffed and easy on the butt.  I got several hours on the verge of sleep here and felt compelled to share the secret!  Now stay out so there is room for me the next time I need to visit it.  See you there!

Categories: Travel


Mawk MonsterID Icon Mawk · March 14, 2009 at 12:08 pm

It’s a secret hide away for YT!

Freemon SandleWould MonsterID Icon Freemon SandleWould · March 15, 2009 at 1:55 pm

Yeah dat right. YT hidin behint da bushes laughin

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