Let’s play spot the Liberal fantasy-Er well let’s not because that game is just not very challenging
How many years have conservative or weakly conservative( AKA Republicans) had the media deck stacked against them? Like 50 years or more. But we conservatives keep on coming with our ideas. We haven’t cancelled out of debates in spite of CBS making up stories out of whole cloth about George Bush.
Its always been obvious to me that liberalism is a sort of refuge of serial fantasizers. When I was in high school I was friends with several brothers. My best friend was descendant of mobsters of the Sicilian variety and given to some signs of mental imbalance. ( It may sound pejorative but this blog is about reality, not making friends ) When any one of these brothers mentioned some sort of off beat fantasy I would debunk why it was not realistic. ( I acknowledge there ARE some dreams that are realizable)  These thorough treatments on the reasons why something was not feasible were met with violent emotional reaction. Ever since that time I’ve realized that in personal life it rarely pays to debunk personal non-realities.
When I see the lib / dem party / socialists / communists react so vigorously to Fox news I am reminded of my friends the Italian brothers.  What the lib bloggers want are media outlets that reinforce their fantasies. One of the telling features is that to call Fox News conservative is textbook hyperbole. Fox only appears a tiny bit conservative because its not wildly liberal like EVERY other outlet. ( MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN ). But as I described in the second paragraph nothing incites so much fury as that which goes against a person’s fantasies. Thus the description CANDIDATE FANTASTIC applies to John-TheBreckGirl-Edwards. Most times fantastic is a word used as a compliment. However in this case its about denial. For to live in unrealistic fantasies requires one have a substantial dose of denial working in ones favor. So if John Edwards wants to be the king of denial maybe he should run for president of Egypt.Â
Most of the dem/lib/socialist/communist ideas seem like a pyramid power scam with both equal effectivity and usefulness. Bad ideas reveal themselves in how effectively they work when you try to actually use them. Like a campy movie they are quite entertaining but not relevant to everyday life.
On one point he must not be in denial. Obviously he realizes that his ideas are not strong enough to stand up under cross examination by a “conservative” news organization.Â
I suppose its just the nature of man that he is weak.  Its hard to be honest, straightforward and intelligent. All these things require great amounts of labor to develop and maintain. That’s what it takes to be conservative. Lacking these you are likely to be liberal for liberalism allows for suboptimum values in these categories. In fact it seeks to make the aforesaid pay. I’ll leave as an exercise for the student to figure out WHO pays. I’ll give you a hint, there is only one market for bad ideas and that consists of the suckers who believe in them.
1 Comment
gatordem · April 7, 2007 at 10:48 pm
When one is speaking about denial, one might first want to look in the mirror. To say Faux News “only appears a tiny bit conservative because its not wildly liberal like EVERY other outlet” shows the apparent state of denial that you MUST live in. It is ludicrous on its face.
The well published comments by Faux News executives show very clearly that they are far from fair and balanced in their viewpoints. Any candidate for public office should be happy to have their ideas cross examined by an impartial examiner. To submit to such a cross examination by a judge who has already found you guilty would show a serious lack of good judgement to me.
That would be the same serious lack of good judgement you have demonstrated in this post.