Summary of the Great Global Warming Swindle

I was aware of the following points before watching the Great Global Warming Swindle but they laid it out so clearly that I want to do a quicky review so I and others can have it clear in our heads.

1) Earths temperatures are rising slightly.  The medieval warm period was warmer than our present time.  Even the north of England could have vinyards in the medieval period.  Thus many names include references to vineyards.



1.2) Most of the current warming occurred early in the 20th century while the earth was not very industrialized.


1.3) Carbon dioxide has fluxuated in the past when mankind was not putting out much CO2 compared to now. Thus it begs the question…..WHY ?

1.5) If greenhouse gases are warming the earth the highest warming should occur in the troposphere at 10 kilometers.  This is not seen.  This has been tested by satellite and weather balloon measurement.






1.6) Solar activity correlates well with temperature record.  CO2 record does not correlate well with temperature record.

2) This is due to solar activity - Less clouds due to less cosmic rays which cause formation of water droplets

2.5) Corbin gambled money and won month after month against the meterological office using solar predictors


3) After the earth atmosphere warms the oceans follow.  Solubility of CO2 in water goes down with increased water temperature. Therefore a time lag after the warming a resulting increase in CO2 is seen.  This is substantiated by multiple ice core serveys.

4) Water Vapor is THE greenhouse gas.  CO2 is negligible compared to it.

5) Man Made sources of CO2 are negligible compared to natural ones such as volcanos or bacteria.  Man produces on the order of 5 percent of the CO2 produced in the world.

5.5) during decline in temp after ww2 they were siting global cooling right about the time the temps started rising. 

6) The whole global warming fear factory was originally set up unwittingly by Margaret Thatcher because she didn’t trust the people in the Middle East selling oil and she didn’t trust England’s own coal miners. Thus she wanted to promote nuclear energy.  She budgeted some money for the research while leaning on the conclusion that there is man made global warming so she could press the nuclear energy.

6.5) Computer climate models reflect the operators bias.  You can get any result you want by tweaking up the inputs.  Normal people – Non-Scientist do not understand much about models.

6.6) If you predict something boring in climatology it won’t be printed. Only if the results are dramatic then its printed

6.7) Environmental journalists have a vested interest in perpetuating the global warming myth.

7) Environmentalism in its current state is a religion.  An odius one at that.  Co-Founder of GreenPeace Patrick Moore commented that its now currently anti-Human.

8) Lefty / libs / Socialist / Communist / PeaceNiks all for the most part are luddites.  They romanticize the peasant yet do not want to live as peasants themselves.  While fancy diplomats fly into Kenya meet in air conditioned splendor many of Kenya’s people live without electricity.  As quoted in the program these people say ” I know I am at a new level when I have electricity”   ( common sense ! )  The Berlin wall / communism fell and so the anti capitalists needed a new outlet for their anti capitalistic energies. 

9) difference in temp between equator and pole yield more stormy weather. Yet global warming should effect the poles the most.

10) Greenland was much warmer 1000 years ago, no melt !

11) Siberian permafrost had a much greater melt 8000 years ago much more than now.

12) Ice caps expand and shrink every year. Because we have a satellite to see it people can exploit and characterize it any way they want.  The spring breakup occurs every year.

13) The IPCC does not remove scientist names from its report contributor even when asked. It requires threats of legal action to get your name off.  The climate report is heavily censored to favor / support the global warming case 

14) Scientists are intimidated by the threat of funding cutoff.


The Great Global Warming Swindle did a great job of completely debunking the myth of man made global warming.  Now its up to you to have courage and to not be lazy.  Anyone with any degree of independent thought and critical thinking skills can see man-made global warming is a sham.   Do not let the Stalinists win. 



RobC MonsterID Icon RobC · March 15, 2007 at 4:07 pm

I can’t understand how a person could watch all this and not ask for some kind of supportive evidence. How do you know what Mrs. Thatcher wanted to do? Besides being unsupported, the allegation that environmentalism is a religion doesn’t make sense: what kind of God-belief is it based on? What does it even have in common with a religion? Lefty / libs / Socialist / Communist / PeaceNiks all for the most part are luddites? Says who? This is all opinionated namecalling and has nothing to do with whether or not artificial CO2 is raising global average temperatures.

Most of the points you got from the film are false, and deliberately so.

1) Earth’s temperatures are rising is the only truthful point here.

2) Solar activity was the main driving force when CO2 levels were lower and essentially constant. That’s changed; now, CO2 is the main driving force. The cosmic-ray/cloud hypothesis is still being evaluated.

3) CO2 solubility doesn’t alter the fact that artificial CO2 is now driving temperature.

4) No, CO2 isn’t negligible. What happens is, water vapor rises with global temperature and so it amplifies the effect of CO2.

5) The biggest volcano you could imagine couldn’t emit even a tiny percent of the CO2 emitted every year by artificial sources.

6,7,8) Unfounded bs from people who can’t be trusted to tell the truth, or even recognize the truth if they saw it.

Unlike the producer of the film, I can prove all these points. If you want to know the truth about CO2 and global warming, check out Global Warming: A Guide for the Perplexed. Or, skip the intro and just look at Global Warming: A Guide for the Perplexed -> Skeptics

webmaster MonsterID Icon webmaster · March 16, 2007 at 6:56 pm

Hi RobC …….so you are an engineer? A scientist? Or are you just a person who is lefty ? In all honesty my best guess is you are not technical. CO2 levels were not constant. They’ve varied GREATLY. Its why some eras had lush plant growth. Pot growers today enhance their plant growths by feeding bottled CO2 into their cellar growth rooms for this reason. In short you sound like a true believer in the religion but don’t make your points.

I’m an engineer that’s very practical with a brain that is a shredder when it comes to critical thinking. I’m also atheist and when it comes to spotting religions I’m a real pro. My religion is science and technology but I’m aware of it so at least I don’t go dogmatic on your ass. And yes I do spot that you have your global warming religion.

If global warming were science there would be a much more even distribution of believers between conservative and liberal thinkers. However the preponderance of believers are liberal / dem / soc / communist. This just is not explainable any other way.

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