
Categories: Electronics


Prof. Von Nostrand MonsterID Icon Prof. Von Nostrand · December 27, 2013 at 6:52 am

Hey I just found out iPad finally works on the comments section of WordPress. 


I dont know if it was an iOS update or WordPress that did it, do you know?

-Prof. Von Nostrand, leaving no man behind

Freemon SandleWould MonsterID Icon Freemon SandleWould · December 28, 2013 at 2:30 pm

Wordpress has ongoing development at all times so there is no answering that question with certainty.   I will venture the guess that since it is such a standard that there was adequate motivation on both sides of the issue to warrant the work.  I would guess it was an iPad issue though.  The html / javascript involved is quite standard.

What is this motto: “Leaving no man’s behind” ???

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