Renovation of 125 Year Old House Table of Contents TOC
Renovation of 125 Year Old House Table of Contents TOC
HeadQuarters Architectural Research
Paint Stripping Notes
Replacement Red Pine Tongue and Groove Flooring
Refinishing and Staining Maple Flooring Wood
How To Install Hardwood Flooring
Private: Rustys Grade 3 Hickory and Oak Hardwood Flooring
Old House Water Leak Video
Ideas for Interior of 120 Year Old House
Exterior of 120 Year Old House
Exterior Design for Modern Look of 120 Year Old House – Siding
Cellar Door Project for 115 Year Old Ohio House
Ohio Old Wooden House Siding Solutions
Attic Remodeling Ideas
Installing a Metal Roof on a Shed as a Practice Exercise
Private: Construction Tool Inventions
Joes Pine Floor Refinishing Job
Basement Foundation Repairs Renovations and Water Management
Alex Heat Pump Air Conditioner Retrofit for Houses without Duct Work
Concrete Construction Forms
Retaining Wall – Large Waste Concrete Blocks 2 foot by 2 foot by 6 foot
Fire Door Parts and Installation Notes
Creek Retaining Wall Surge Stone Erosion Prevention
How to Install a Ductless Mini-Split Air Conditioner
How To Lay Concrete Blocks
Retaining Wall – Large Waste Concrete Blocks 2 foot by 2 foot by 6 foot
Renovation of 125 Year Old House Table of Contents TOC
- Renovation of 125 Year Old House Table of Contents TOC
- HeadQuarters Architectural Research
- Paint Stripping Notes
- Replacement Red Pine Tongue and Groove Flooring
- Refinishing and Staining Maple Flooring Wood
- How To Install Hardwood Flooring
- Private: Rustys Grade 3 Hickory and Oak Hardwood Flooring
- Old House Water Leak Video
- Ideas for Interior of 120 Year Old House
- Exterior of 120 Year Old House
- Exterior Design for Modern Look of 120 Year Old House – Siding
- Cellar Door Project for 115 Year Old Ohio House
- Ohio Old Wooden House Siding Solutions
- Attic Remodeling Ideas
- Installing a Metal Roof on a Shed as a Practice Exercise
- Private: Construction Tool Inventions
- Joes Pine Floor Refinishing Job
- Basement Foundation Repairs Renovations and Water Management
- Alex Heat Pump Air Conditioner Retrofit for Houses without Duct Work
- Concrete Construction Forms
- Retaining Wall – Large Waste Concrete Blocks 2 foot by 2 foot by 6 foot
- Fire Door Parts and Installation Notes
- Creek Retaining Wall Surge Stone Erosion Prevention
- How to Install a Ductless Mini-Split Air Conditioner
- How To Lay Concrete Blocks
- Retaining Wall – Large Waste Concrete Blocks 2 foot by 2 foot by 6 foot
Research Links
- Google: riprap on slope
- Google: riprap design
- Bioengineering/Riparian Restoration on Challenging Sites
- LOOSE RIPRAP PROTECTION Minnesota Technical Note 3 July 1989
- GravelShop: RipRap Calculator for 4-12"
Contact Notes
- Honey Creek Mine
- EFCC FAMILY Current Limestone Price List
- Bessemer Concrete LLC – (330) 366-0166 —> Used these guys. > Carl
Surge Stone / Large RailRoad type Gravel specifications
- 16 USD per ton
- Density: 1 ton = 0.83 cu yd / 1 cu yd = 1.2 ton
- Coverage: 0.62 cu yd covers 100 sq ft 2 inch deep
- Coverage: 1.54 cu yd covers 100 sq ft 5 inch deep
- Estimator: Coverage Calculate Rip Rap 2" – 4" – Gabion/Surge Stone
Per Loose RipRap Protection Minnesota
G. Allowable Side Slopes. The stability of the riprap on the side slope of a channel
is dependent on the angularity of the rock. The more angular the rock, the higher the
angle of repose. The maximum (steepest) slope for riprap is recommended to be 2:1
(that is, two feet horizontally for every foot of vertical height). For small areas, such as
around existing culverts or transitions where slopes steeper than 2:1 cannot be avoided,
slopes up to 1:1 can be tolerated, provided the riprap thickness and size are increased.
Very angular rock must be used and carefully installed. The thickness shall be
increased by 10% for 1.5:1 side slopes and by 20% for 1:1 side slopes. The minimum
D50 that can be used on slopes steeper than 2:1 is 4 inches. This must be angular rock,
not rounded.
———RipRap pile angle calculation————–
—From Slope foto #01—
x1,y1 = 1400,1600
x2,y2 = 4100,0
Slope = (1600-0) / 4100-1400 = 1600/2700 = 31 using bottom less sloped
x1,y1 = 3200,700
x2,y2 = 4100,0
Slope2 = 700 / 900 = 0.78 Absolute maximum slope of pile => 38 degrees
—From Slope foto #02—
x1,y1 = 2500,1300
x2,y2 = 4100,0
Slope1 = 1300 / 1600 = 0.81 Absolute maximum slope of pile => 39 degrees
—From Slope foto #03 & 4—
x1,y1 = 0,0
x2,y2 = 2900,1700
Slope1 = 1700 / 2900 = 0.58 Absolute maximum slope of pile => 30 degrees
Current Cut Slope = 3/4 = 0.75 => 37 degrees — Essentially at max slope here.
Modifying creek slope to 3/5 = 0.60 => 31 degrees => 1ft delta at top of cut
Planning Notes
1 Comment
Thanks for taking the time to do this… I will get an A on my report now. WHo needs ChatGPT.