In the economy of ideas we are headed down a path where we attempt to control the collective mind of humanity.   I can not condone this.  The video Rip – remix manifesto makes this point very well.

…..that said ….the documentary Rip – remix manifesto misses the point in the end using somewhat worn out dated leftist tropes.  They posited that Brazil has a political equivalent of "remix".  I spend alot of time in Brazil I can squarely tell you their form of government is nothing but the politics of the self centered corrupt left.  There is nothing forward looking about it. The joke in Brazil goes is that the corrupt politician steals 90% of project budget wonders how the USA does so well.  The punch line is when the American politician tells him he only steals 10 percent.

1 Comment

Phxmarker MonsterID Icon Phxmarker · May 10, 2010 at 8:02 am

They covered this concept last night on Gorge Noory/Art Bell.

It's also been on the news on KFYI.
I think the Obamanite's and Libtards are realizing that they can't pull the wool over our eyes in the internet age like they used to, so they are going to try to stop the "problem" by limiting and controlling the information.
I remember the old days when there was just 3 major networks, and they essentially had a monopoly on news, entertainment, ad revenue. I sure hope we don't got back to that.
Even in China where they have serious controls and limitations on the internet, the people find a way to get around it, even though a few end up in jail. That would be a sucks one, but we have a long way to go before it gets that bad, buts it a slippery slope, and Obama and cohorts are greasing the skids!

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