More than 20 years ago Arizona did not have an MLK day.  This is simple to explain as I was here at the time the issue was debated.  Arizona state employees like many other state employees have more days off than they work.  ( slight hyperbole …. but not much! ).    It was suggested at the time that they state employees give up another holiday in trade for the MLK day.  Of course being that they are unionized thugs they would not accept this and they used the excuse that MLK was worthy of his own day.   However that was not disputed.  They just greedily wanted yet another day off and would not comprimise.

In the end the issue was resolved illegally by then governor Babbitt who by established the holiday by fiat.  Nevermind that subverting rule of law and democracy is even more important than MLK could ever be as it is the only substrate that MLK could have worked in.  China would merely have sent him to a work camp.


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