Close your eyes: Now imagine the worst think you can possibly imagine.   Murder, heinous acts of wanton violence.  Children killed. Now know this. When the federal government does the same thing it imagines you not paying your taxes. Wesley Snipes was convicted today of tax misdemeanors and sentenced to 3 years in jail. Not felonies………Misdemeanors.  In tax court you are essentially considered guilty until proven innocent.  In a murder case you would be presumed innocent until proven guilty.  And thus I believe the worst crime in the government’s eyes is if you do not pay your taxes. A sad state of affairs.  In Brazil they merely make you pay your back taxes.  Our system is draconian in that regard.  Our system was founded by disobedient people.  People who realized you had to go beyond the law to ever attain the space to be free.   Now that same country is in many forms a socialist experiment.   Its appetite for tax money makes it a monster. 

Categories: Politics


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