I recommend tracking the Iceland situation.  The following videos are a good breeze over the latest developments.   The socialist leftist government of England invoked terrorism laws against Iceland for the sake of trying to get at more of Icelands assets.   Just goes to show you that you can not trust a liberal around a legal system.    They do not care a bit about your life.  But do not pay your taxes and you'll be in some serious trouble even maybe called a terrorist!

The U.K. is trying to force Iceland into giving up its claims on arctic oil and gas in compensation for their losses with Icelandic banks.   Nevermind the glaring non sequitur  that U.K. investors lost money in a private bank and not with the Icelandic government. 

It really bears watching because ordinary citizens that had no dog in the hunt are being asked to pay for what private banks did.  That's like running out onto the street and randomly grabbing some stranger and making him liable for my debts.   What is so central and bears watching is that there are many situations in the world economy where the innocent bystander is going to be asked to pay.  This may have flown in yesteryear but factoring in the internet these politicians might find a whole new era ushered in.   The best thing that could happen is that all banks that have failed to fully do so with out any government support.  Investors must learn that the saying of the day is caveat emptor and that there are no citizens standing by with ambulances to cart them of if they make a mistake.

Governments trying to institute a program against the will of the people? Its part of a revolution that is coming to a town very near you.   More on Birgitta Jonsdottir.

Categories: EconomicsPolitics


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