This is the story of a typical internet diversion.  I clicked up the and read a story about Richard Gere giving a bollywood star a kiss on the cheek and the ensuing effigies of him being burnt. Â
Was he trying to dispel the gerbil rumors?Â
After reading of the peck on the check ( that’s peck not pecker…otherwise I could understand the riots ) I wondered how old is Richard Gere? Thus I went to his wikipedia entry and found he’s about 58. Upon backing out I saw another entry in the google list and clicked in. There I read about a guy who investigated the possible RFB (rectal foreign body) in the form of a gerbil put by urban legend into Richard Gere’s arse.  Think of this as the internal medicine equivalent of UFOLOGY.  In that article its mentioned that a reporter actually spent significant time trying to check the veracity of the story. So while I’m sure that Richard Gere never had a rodent roaming his colon like a hamster habitrail I am equally certain that there is a person who does FBI ( foreign body investigation ). Maybe in a theme analogous to the GUT  the RFB study will be unified with the study of UFO’s. The key could be the chrome arse probe in the stories of Whitley Streiber.
And thus I conclude in an economy such as ours a full and rather comical range of thought is entertained. Maybe this is how MMGW ( man made global warming ) manages to find a believing audience.
The Indians are lucky it was Richard Gere there doing the kissing.  I’d hump on her like a poodle in love with the couch cushion given the chance. Unfortunately I’m not as cute as a poodle so it would probably be taken the wrong way.
Of course there was an obligatory MMGW story linked in the drudgereport today thus I am forced by my twisted nature to ask …..Don’t those Indians know their creating greenhouse gases when they burn that paper Richard ? Did they have barbeque’d gerbil afterwards?Â
Thus goes the internet.  I do not think any amount of adderall will help. Shouldn’t I be doing something useful? Wait one useful thought did occur. Maybe there is a reason why we’re not all as charming as Shilpa Shetty. Nothing useful would EVER get done.   We’d all be getting someone else to do it for us.  And we’d do it gladly with a dazed look in our eyes.