You select a device in an opened library for edit by using this syntax: edit deviceset
Value is set to an active editable value with the syntax: value on
Thus on a meta level this script is going to do the following things for each part in the library:
- write the open device command to script file using syntax: edit deviceset
- write the turn the device value to script file using syntax: value on
- repeat until all the parts in the library have been cycled through
This script will build upon the script that lists the devicesets in a library.
//—— Get the ULP Path ——//
string ULP_Path;
char bkslash = '/';
int pos = strrchr(argv[0], bkslash);
if (pos >= 0)
ULP_Path = strsub(argv[0], 0, pos + 1);
output(ULP_Path + "TurnValueOnAllParts.scr", "wt"){library(L) { L.devicesets(D) { printf("edit " + + ".dev" + "\n");
printf("value on \n");
Note that the script cycles through devicesets and not devices.