. i painstakingly researched and narrowed down 639 cryptos into a list of my top 16 for today's episode of let's invest the show for a mature focus investors this episode was inspired by the idea that in a free market place the best man will eventually win so with that why not look for the cryptocurrency with the best technology and place your bets there as a long term hold for thousands of potential percent gain you might look at the 629 cryptocurrencies listed on Cohen market capcom and get majorly overwhelmed wondering which ones provide the best technology and long-term investment potential that's how I felt anyway until I actually started going through them one by one from Bitcoin all the way down until about the 200 point of the list I'd look at their websites and if I was interested I'd quickly skiing over the white paper their wiki and then their forum after getting through about the 200th coin I started just looking for the ones with the most appealing and leaf scammy sounding names i searched quite a long time expecting to find undiscovered coins that have the technology potential to someday be bigger than Bitcoin I was only looking for coins that have a primary function of being a currency because that's just what I specialized in evaluating if I saw it with a service first cryptocurrency second it automatically didn't make the list with that said I'll tell you my results and the names of the coins have sparked my interest in a minute but first these are the points I was looking for when evaluating each currency that i came across during my extremely tedious search first point would be proof of stake or proof of importance within the wallet or some mixture of proof of work and proof of stake 100% proof of worth coins were not preferred unless they were altered for better decentralization by altered for better decentralisation I mean they could not be mined in large mining pools and they didn't favor ASIC mining they were somehow had incentives to use your your GPU or view on your computer to be more profitable than using basic mining zor having an industrial sized mining operation like bit cuentas thus it would provide basically a proof of stake type thing and further decentralize the network instead of centralized it like Bitcoin already is second I've always liked the idea yeah I haven't really found a coin that implements it correctly until I started going through this so I start going through them one by one a coin that has a limited block chain stores four nodes four nodes or wallet users or like a light wallet but masternodes they stole look they would still store the full chain and get paid more to do so so what I mean by this is that a full node would only store so much of like the past whatever blocks of transactions that way they don't need to have terabytes and terabytes and terabytes of memory upon mass adoption that way a full node does it have to spend a ton of money to become a full node but this is kind of my idea that or by this I also can mean that the the website offers a light wallet like NIMH does with their nano wallets where you don't have to store pretty much anything third I wanted to have a I wanted to see the coin was either working on or already had a messaging feature within their wallet because I think this just helps the user experience a lot and this is kind of taking from venmo I think a lot of people like the apps venmo which is made by paypal which is a centralized mobile payment application simply because you can message your friends on it as well one of the crypto currencies that have some form of community voting and government structure it's pretty self-explanatory I prefer them to have masternodes or super nodes as a second layer to the network because that allows for private transactions that allows for super dedicated people to run super nodes and masternodes who are heavily incentivized to do it properly and get paid pretty well to do it for the network it also allows for things like private send whatever second layer second-tier network functions you need or instant send even next down it would be nice if at a high percent new code and wasn't a fork of Bitcoin but this is kind of a lower priority one of the big ones was it needs to have a Treasury fund like a lot of the coins I invest in that i really like have a ten percent or just some percentage of a Treasury fund built straight into the code that goes towards developments and things like that that way I think that just helps scalability and long-term potential for just doing anything in the future you know if Treasury fund your coin is running on charity of the developers and investment incentive to grow the price per coin which isn't as good as a Treasury fund in my opinion moving on down this isn't a super big point but I'd like to have a large coin supplies or a small coin mission forever that doesn't it doesn't cause inflation problems in the future it's a very low coin emission forever that way you can have infinite numbers and masternodes and you never actually people who lose their wallets those coins that are out of the system forever or just get lost don't impact don't build up over a long term and hurt the network need to have a good name this is kind of important but also not super important but if your coin sounds like a scam like for example litecoin it just sounds kind of like a ripoff of Bitcoin and it never got the full recognization that deserved so I'd like you to have a good name and you'll notice that a lot of coins i have listed below when i go through the ones i picked very few of them had the name had the word coin in their name a few of them do because they got outstanding features that make up for that but uh oh yeah you get the point the biggest actually one of the biggest things that have professional developers who actually talk on the forums answer questions and are incredibly involved and openly communicate a lot about their projects on a day-by-day basis if I couldn't find if it seemed like your coin had been dead for monster for almost dead and your developers hadn't produce anything for the past six months I i might have included it still on my list of things that interest me for the technology but you didn't make my final list you'll see I've got two lists down here one of them's bit long and when I'm short it needs to have some sort of instant sent or fast transactions that are faster than 30 seconds but if you had really good features a one minute block time would would cut it and you would make the list or it needs to have new technology that I hadn't heard yet yet but it seems interesting it's kind of ties into my second point about the limited blockchain storage for nodes if it just had something really cool sounding but not too out there I had also some of the other good features I included on the list and finally it just need to have the flat the fast block time low transaction fees person-to-person transactions all the good crypto currency stuff not every coin i picked had all of these features in fact most are missing a few actually i was quite surprised to find so few coins that had enough of the above features to spark my interest the coins that caught my attention though are as follows in no particular order nem pivots dash deke red white ball Magi shift V cash MXT verra coin bit send heat GCC coin Neos coin Cora cloak coin and nab Cohen remember these are just coins that are majorly focused on being a currency as their main function not an ass building block chain or any other typical Krypto service I ran across a lot of good services too in fact I found more good services than good currencies for example a theory m cronin banks is going and library credits just to name a few but they didn't make this list because this is a list for currencies only after further examination I narrowed the list down to these currencies listed in order from my favorite to my least favorite in terms of long-term investment potential number one dash number two nib number three pivots for bite ball 5b cred six NXT the coins that I also am very interested in but don't quite trust yet because i couldn't find out information on them during further research were heat Magi Neos coin and GCC coin he's all sounded really good on our websites at first glance or on their white papers but I couldn't find enough good information to actually recommend them on any level so i will now quickly show y dash named pivots by baldy credit next e are my pics by highlighting the characteristics in red that each coin has from the list dash NIM divx bite ball d cred and NXT i eliminated the rest of the coins previously mentioned off the list shift V cash bear coin bits & korek lo coin and nap coin because they're either lacking too many of the necessary features the forms and developments have been dead for a long time or upon further inspection they seem to be scheming or worse than I initially thought I'd like to point out that throughout this search I didn't really believe in shit coins i believed yes there were copies of coins that were quite similar to other coins but i really did run a clock run across a lot of coins that were literally just bitcoin rebranded with maybe a messaging feature thrown on top of it there are a lot of crappy proof-of-work coins out there that have nothing to offer as you can see there aren't really any big surprises among my top six I was expecting to make this video about finding potential digital gold mines during my search I mean I probably searched at least fifty percent of the 69 sitting on cryptos on the list but I think that the main point of what I'm trying to say here is that I just ended up feeling that the market has already kind of chosen the winners for the most part I originally wanted to make a point about how fast the crypto technology evolves and how the winners today could be crushed in an instant by some under-the-radar coin like pivots used to be I guess I can make a more comfortable prediction nail that their coins we recognize today as the ones who have the best potential to overthrow Bitcoin in the future are probably here to stay I'm talking about dash New divx mostly unless we get blindsided by some super great technology or a massive investment in a nameless coin by some government or multi-billion dollar company I think that dash nana pivots have a of staying power on account of their technology governance voting structure Treasury funds massive scalability quality appearance fast transactions professional cooperation of normal businesses long-term development goals strong communities good marketing and finally they're highly effective development teams I think maybe Bitcoin could make this list as well like for a long-term investment just because everyone knows about it already and everyone already uses it and that's about it also I think it's important to point out that there are a lot more I tried to research that I didn't even have a website for a forum to go to look you click on the coin and there's just no website to go to and I was just wasn't going to Jack around with typing in every coin whatever hopefully you can understand that also if I came across a site that looked like this I left immediately without further examination because it doesn't matter how many features this coin might have that are beneficial or new and awesome if the developers think that this is a good way to present their coin no investor is going to want anything to do with him yes this is actually a crypto website from coin market cap the coin is called the Creed if you want to go check it out I won't go into any more details of each coin individually as to why I picked them in this video I've already got plenty of in-depth videos about half of them dash name and pics that you can go watch on my channel and I'll leave the other three white ball n ex T and D credit for further examination in videos to come if if I get interested I might even exam any heat or GCC coin as well because they have some pretty interesting technology in my opinion that is worthy of my for the review if you don't want to wait for that though then I highly recommend you go and check them out for yourselves if you know have a coin that meets almost all the specifications that I listed previously please let me know in the comments below if you disagree with one of my choices please tell me why in the comments also i hope this video was helpful in your exploration of cryptocurrencies don't forget to comment rate and subscribe thanks for watching and let's invest