To be enlightened in this world requires a patience of mind.  Elements in the world of man competes to sell you their ideas and therefore yoke you to their cause.  It is this lack of objectivity that results in so much confusion.  Everyone sells their product with effusive phrasing that suggests theirs is the best thing since sliced bread.  This is where the patience I spoke of is essential.   It is only by seeing enough occurences in this world play out that you can divine the real from the imaginary and the fake from the counterfeit and the good from the evil.

It helps to seek the gurus all around you.   If you ask 100 people the same question 99 will have wrong answers.  The 100th person will be right.  Study the people around you and what they are good at.  Then you can access the right person for the particular skill you need to access.    Good luck and I am always here ready to talk with you no matter where you are on Earth.


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