The Latin Business Model as practiced in the western hemisphere has the following characteristics.

1) Oligarchical – (  you libs don’t even compare this with the USA )  Their form of oligarchy far outstrips the USA version.  People literally run whole states like their own private fiefdoms in Mexico and Brazil for example.  Peons who step out of line worry about being killed.  There are certain families you do not cross because you’ll have serious physical danger to your health.

2) Socialist government with extreme levels of red-tape are used as barriers to prevent economic mobility.  This is just and extension of #2.  Socialist liberal governments always work operate at the level of LCD human behavior.  What that means is the power is always abused and used for the good of the ruling class and not anyone else.  Of course just as in the USA the socialists cry “Its for the chilrun” but its not.  

3) Inherent emotionalism yields more dishonesty in business.  A 90% rating on the brazilian equivalent of eBay named  is considered passible for buyer.  On eBay a rating of less than 98% is not good and I avoid dealing with them.  This is an objective comparison how the emotional nature of the brazilian society leads to direct differences in the practice of commonplace business transactions on an everyday level.

Over time this hammer lock on economic activity has left the people of these countries with a sense that all outcomes are forgone conclusions and thus the do not even try many times.   For example Brazils oil company monopoly.  Private citizens can not make bio diesel there and sell it because they would be afraid of losing tax revenue. Also because it would empower the citizens.  The “Can-Do” attitude of the USA is discouraged because it would lead to further independence.   So many time citizens ask why something can not be done rather than what they should be asking “How can we do this?”

The LBM is what is dangerous about American libs.  They want essentially the same form of government that does not work in Brazil and does not work in Mexico.  To me its always seemed that democrats have sought the BANANAFICATION of America.   Unfortunately many times I think some republicans like George Bush are unconsciously working towards this same model.  His crazy anti-Reagan approaches towards the medicare prescription drug plan et al. 

In short the LBM is something that the world would be better off to see die.   We need to preserve the American economy in its beautifully capitalistic form.  We should be getting rid of things like social security and medicare.  We the people can take care of ourselves.   

At the very minimum we need to preserve capitalism in the USA until it causes the ultimate peaceful revolutions that are sure to happen in Brazil and Mexico.   These things will happen.  As the Mexicans here in the USA in such large numbers feed cause the osmotic flow of experiential information to flow fast and heavy back to Mexico I think its inevitable that expectations about their government change for the better.  I think not so coincidentally not long after we tossed out the dems in ’94 the mexican people elected the opposition party to the presidency for the first time in many decades.  Information flows and can not really be stopped or irradicated and thus big changes in Mexican government, society and business are inevitable.





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