I am staying in Americana, Sao Paulo for a few days at my girfriends.  She lives in a very nice modern high rise.  Here is the view from the window of the lot next to it: yard-full-of-chickens.JPG Those are chickens, ducks and Geese you see in the lot.  In the photo below you can see they are obviously killing time until they get the right offer for the land. agricultural-land-taxed-less.JPG Now remember that I am in Brazil.  They tend to copy alot of taxation ideas from the USA.  Unfortunately they have copied sticking it to you also.  Thus the guy has to keep chickens in his yard while he waits for a high enough offer.  Just like the USA.  Agriculturally classified land is taxed less.  Governments need to get a clue and just taxe everyone less.  And everyone at a fixed percentage.  It would be easier on us and limit their power by a large degree in the right direction too.  They currently use the ability to give tax breaks on a selective basis as a billy club on all of us. Another little detail is the brick barbeques on the top of the high rises.  They call them churrascos.  barbeques-on-roof-brasil-churrascu.JPG

Categories: EconomicsPolitics


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