Research Links
- TinyTech Steam Power Plants
- YoutubeSearch: steam engine generator homemade
- Youtube: Steam Power Plant 25 HP – 15 KVA
- Youtube: Make Your Own Electricity with Steam
- Youtube: Homestead Steam Engine Making Electricity
- Youtube: Steam Turbine
- Youtube: 10000 watt steam powered electic generator
- Youtube: Steam Engine and Boiler with alternator off grid
- Youtube: Making a live steam boiler 5" cooper tube
- Youtube: Off Grid Wood to Electricity Cogeneration System
NIKAM ENGINEERING’ We are pleased to inform that we are one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of Wood Oil Ghani Machines over decades in Nashik, Maharashtra. Having strong commitment towards Quality Oriented Products & with state of the art technology, we are now a reputed name as – Nikam Engineering. Our products have successfully made a major breakthrough in the field of Oil Ghani Machine manufacturing.
The best-in-class manufacturers of Wood Oil Ghani Machines, Cold Press Oil Machinery, and Wooden Mill Machinery which are extensively used for the production of Groundnut Oil, Flaxseed Oil, Sesame Oil, Castor Oil, Coconut Oil, Mustard Oil, and many more.