Once upon a time there were 2 enterprising young NASA scientists.   They wanted to see mankind go to Mars and to make a name for themselves.  They hit upon the idea of recycling human waste into meat.  

While NASA originally  called them 'tube steak' they later settled on the name Space Steaks(tm).  

NASA's top secret process is as follows:

The first step is to cook the bacteria, killing them, and to extract their proteins via separation techniques according to Yahoo News.  The meat mixture travels to a "reaction enhancer" (likely a chemical reactor of some sort) where it turns into a textured "meat" and is then extrude through an "exploder".

Note it is made by mixing the excrement with soy.  This is because it improves the taste of the soy.   Some people have worried about mad human disease is otherwise known as creutzfelt-jakobs as a result of this.  But that is a prion disease and prions only exist in nerve tissue. So unless people are crapping their brains out that shouldn't be a concern.  Now available in family restaurants across the country.   Order Moon Carrots(tm) with them.  This tasty bacterial protein food product will be sold next to the Space Food Snacks in your local grocery.   We look forward to seeing Space Steak ™ eating grins on everyones faces!  So hit your local ATM and eat Space Steaks(tm)!


Our Space Steak product was not the hit we thought it would be.  The only customers were 2 girls who ate only 1 cups worth.

Categories: Funny


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