

  • LyX – Main page 
  • LyX Instant Preview
  • Lyx Download – Choose the big bundle ~200Mb – perhaps you will not have to install Python & Elyxer on your own as I did.
  • Python  I had to add Python & Elyxer
  • Elyxer download
  • LyxBlogger – plugin to Lyx that is supposed to upload to your blog.  I tried it and it did not work. I am corresponding with the author hoping to push a solution whether it is me or the software.


Once upon a time in a galaxy called Ooc there lived a computer named R.J. Drofnats- or "R. J." as he preferred to be called-was happiest when hewas ate work typesetting beautiful documents. 

Drofnats is Stanford backwards.

Categories: MathSoftware


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