Research Links
- Guide: Dogie's Comprehensive Bitmain Antminer S3 Setup I had some trouble getting the S3 to show up in the DHCP list. What seemed easiest was to use the direct connection computer to S3 method. Once I convinced myself that DHCP was working I switched to configuration with them both connected to a router using DHCP. Check your router to make sure it includes in its DHCP range. I went through setting up my computer with a fixed IP address to talk with the S3. After that worked experimented and found that I could see the S3 if I dialed in but it would not show up on the DHCP equipment list. It was at that point I changed the S3 setting to DHCP.
- Setting up computer to have fixed IP to talk with the S3 – note there are some errors in the images of the IPv4 windows settings.
- YouTube: AntMiner S3 Setup – DETAILED
- Pool Worker format: User.Worker where user is your user name in the mining pool and worker is a name you put on the mining device. It's a way to see each machine individually for monitoring purposes.
The default mining pools as a result of resetting the firmware were dead.
Quick Reference Notes
- Default AntMiner username/password: root / root
Additional Links