Serial Port Table of Contents TOC
- Serial Port Table of Contents TOC
- WiFi Ethernet to Serial Port Boards
- Serial Port Under QT
- Java Serial Port
- USB to rs-232 – Clearing Phantom Serial Ports
- Serial Port Software and Tools
- Router Console Port Connection using USB to Serial TTL Adapter
- Hexin HXSP-2303G USB to RS-422 Serial Converter Driver for Windows 7 and 10
- USB to Serial Converter Adapter: Keyspan USA-19HS
- Silicon Labs USB to Serial Bridge Chip CP2102
End of TOC
Broad Topic Research Links
- QExtSerialPort Project Code – no longer actively supported
- QtSerialPort
- Serial port permissions to allow user mode to access port
QtSerialPort Notes
- QtSerialPort – after the qmake you have to do a make install in order to get the shared objects (*.so ) files to install before any of the examples will run
- QtSerialPort Example: Terminal This example was built when the libs were built. In order to run successfully dial to terminal directory and do: sudo ./terminal
- How to check and use serial ports under linux – this listed my serial port under ttyS0. Listed a huge list of ports that do not exist on the machine.
After the make install of first bullet point TERMINAL example would run. However when I tried to connect it flagged ERROR: Permission denied. It appears that Linux requires super user access to touch the hardware because after doing sudo ./terminal the program connected with the serial port.