When living in Saint Louis, Missouri you pay for the priviledge.  You pay a 1% income tax.  You also pay a personal property tax every year. It is not cheap supporting all this corruption you know!  

I am filing my "return" today.  Not sure why it is called a return as they do not return anything.  They send you a form that lists the property including cars they think you own and ask you to add anything else you might now own.  You have to file by April 1 or they assess you a late fee.  As all I own is a car mine is rather simple.   I am also including a change of address form.  I have already faxed this form to them on 2.10.2014 but just to be sure I am including with my return also.  I hope this is enough to prevent them from sending another bill after this last one arrives early next year in January 2015.

I called in to see if the SSN was absolutely necessary.  The lady advise me that it was not and that they need the SSN only when you are new to the city.

Because of all this it is probably recommended to mail in my license plates. Otherwise these government lifers will probably keep billing me ad infinitum.

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