The Florida preacher burned the Koran with out burning the Koran.   He had threatened to burn a bunch of Korans which looks looks like a coarse stunt.  Naturally the national media took the bait and ran with it thinking it had a vehicle to prove their preconceit that christians and conservatives by proxy are a bunch of bigots.  It is extremely delicious because even our illustrious community organizer in chief bit on the practical joke !   At the last moment the rube preacher  has come out claiming that he has made a deal with the mosque developer to move the mosque away from the 9-11 location.    With a stroke of genius he has inextricably linked the freedom of expression to build a mosque with the equally important freedom of expression to burn a Koran.   

Please note: It is a classic grifter technique to pretend to be less sophisticated than your mark.

You can not claim one right without the other without looking like a goof, or worse,  a liberal.  All this with the only thing getting burned thus far has been the liberals who think everyone but them is a rube.  

Even to the top they are stymied and flummoxed.  All the liberals including our clueless president came out in favor of the freedom to build a mosque on the WTC property.  Then they came out against the Koran burning.   

Mr. Obama and company has been caught hanging far over the edge for this mosque by this preachers rhetorical flourish.  Now should the building of the mosque proceed it will make Obama look like an islamophile and an anti free speech bigot.

Whether the mosque moving deal was or was not made is not important.   Who is lying about the deal is not important either.   The point about the left's selective tolerance has been made as brilliantly as book burning bonfire.  Checkmate!   In addition with all the violent protests in Islamic nations where American flags were burnt it is hard to see getting excited about burning a few Koran.  That is unless you are a coward.   

The current narrative of the liberals is hilariously incongruent.  On one hand tolerance is demanded to allow a victory mosque to be planted on the lot of the  World Trade Center towers.  They quote this as a freedom of religion issue.   This while Islam is a religion that has more than its fair share of violent followers.  On the other hand burning of the Koran should not proceed.  This from people who say burning the American flag should be protected and is "free expression".  Christianity does not have the violent imperial tone of Islam.  Is Christianity's only mistake that they did not fly a plane into a building to scare the crap out of liberals?  Is that what it takes to get their respect?    Is this battered liberal syndrome?   The idiocy that is liberalism is on parade. 

Sure the guys at the top think that burning the Koran will be bad for business in general.  But the little guys freedom of expression is more important than that.  Liberals used to pretend they understood this.  But then everything they do is pretend to extend their governmental powers.  Why else would Hollywood be so in love with them?

See also: Terry Jones, Asymmetrical Warrior

Categories: FraudLiberals


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