During the 70’s Robert Redfords political views on oil companies were derided as those of "only an actor".    He mentioned in an article that after Ronald Reagan that phrase did not hold any weight any more. 

Sorry to inform you Bobo….it still does.   I knew Ronald Reagan.  Reagan was a friend of mine….and you are no Ronald Reagan.  News flash Bobo….you are not even Dan Quail.   The vast majority of actors are fools and this includes Bobo Redford.    Liberal ass clowns want to usurp Reagan but I would trade a million Bobo Redford for a single Ronald Reagan.  These people are so dumb we should make them wear pointy hats and oven mits and slap fight each other in an arena.

I mean really Bob….you make a movie glorifying Che Guevara and expect me to think of you as presidential material.  You are a liberal Ass Clown.

And one more think Bobber…..you have plenty of money. If you are so damned convinced of all your stupid ideas are correct why do you not spend it all before coming to me to coerce tax money from me?  Spend every dime you have then come to me and say you need help.  More liberal fakery is all you have in your basket of tricks.

Categories: Politics


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