Cheritable organization. It sounds like it can not possibly do harm It sounds all warm and cuddly. There can possibly be any problems with them right? WRONG !!!
I feel that Bill Gates and others who like him establish cheritable organizations are EXTREMELY misguided to do so.
Why? You must be thinking “What is Scrooge thinkin’ now ?!?”
Here is the explaination:
1) Have you ever seen the Douglas D and Catherine T MacArthur foundation credited on PBS for the funds to create and air programming?
2) Did you know John D. MacArthur wanted to run for president as a republican?
3) The political bent of PBS is liberal. Sometimes wildly so!
John D. MacArthor is spinning in his grave.  In fact there are several Green Energy groups advocating tapping it as a source of alternative non-polluting energy.  I am sure if he were alive today he would NOT authorize funding PBS. In his day PBS might even have been “fair and balanced” but today its not.Â
No matter how carefully you set up a cheritable trust you can never follow up on guiding its efforts once you are dead. Setting up a trust such as this is akin to dieing at behind the wheel of your car. It may stay on the road for a little while by happy coincidence but surely as the car goes off the road careening into pedestrians or buildings cheritable trusts will be infected by hangers-on and full on charlatans.  I get the distinct impression that there is a whole class of no good bums that parasitically infect the organizations that administer these trusts.
Is there a better answer? Yes of course! If you are dead set on ridding your family of your money Mr Gates simply spend it! Another equally good method would be will the money to X number of commoners. 10,000 commoners will spend the money more efficiently than 1 crummy liberal infested do gooder foundation. Are you listening Warren Buffet ?Â
1) Spending it engages capitalism. Capitalism is the single best allocator of resources every invented by mankind. Capitalism uses the most brains on any given economic issue that can possibly be used.  If you put your money in a trust foundation you simply limit the number of brains used to a small handful versus the potential of the entire planets worth of 6 billion brains!!!
2) Utilizing existing charities you at least KNOW what you are getting. If they are liberal, so be it. You made your choice and its a free society ( supposidly ) Setting up a foundation from scratch is risky business. You never know what sociopath will infect it.Â
Setting up these foundations with the donors name on it are merely exercises in ego. If you do not create a new foundation you will not get your name placed on it. The name is the sole reason.  Do us all a favor Richie Rich…..lose the ego, lose the cheritable foundation.Â