If global warming were science there would be a much more even distribution of believers between conservative and liberal thinkers. Â
Here is how the math goes:
1) Simplify the political spectrum to 1 dimension with liberalism to the left and conservatism to the right.Â
2) Most people lay towards the center of the political spectrum as the graph below shows
3) Laws of nature are independent of ideas of political philosophy. — In other words talk all you want about anything including politics and gravity still works the same. Bacteria still function the same way. Planets thus travel around the sun unaltered no matter what you or I wish, think or say. If it were to exist Man-Made-Global-Warming is a phenomena of nature and physical principles.  Thus true science is independent ( called “orthogonal to” in math ) of political inclination. Thus the probability you believe in Man-Made-Global-Warming should be independent of where you fall on the political spectrum chart. Due to human fallibility belief in MMGW should be scattered without regard to person beliefs. Thus the curve below should have no relation to the curve above.
4) Thus a 3D plot of political philosophy vs belief in MMGW should look like this if it is a true physical existant phenomena:
5) Yet it is evident that the preponderance of true believers in Man-Made-Global-Warming are liberal / socialist / democrat / communist.  The 3D plots do not represent what we see in our society. What we see is that the 2 gaussian normal distributions line up on top of each other with the more liberal you are the more likely you believe in MMGW.
Thus with this strong heuristic alone its fairly easy to conclude that MMGW is myth or political outlook rather than science.
I find religion personally annoying enough on its own but tolerate it well at a distance as long as I am not compelled to be involved. Christians do a good job of not forcing me to go to church.Â
Can the MMGW crowd be said to do the same? Nothing is more annoying than someone practicing religion without even knowing it. Their self righteous moral superiority is hard to live with. Their constant neurotic OCD twitching on the topic makes me ill.
While the science will be the ultimate undoing of this crowd, their annoying nature will not help either.  I suspect they will find something equally or more annoying than MMGW when its proved to be a hoax.  The existance of socialism is proof of this. If some humans soar these people merely plod, whine and complain about not being able to fly.  But then they have an excuse to complain…..the sky is falling.  Same excuse ever given by the whiners…..their case is special.