The corn that is currently being turned into ethanol is driving up the cost of meat. This should come as no surprise as corn is primarily what beef, chicken and pigs are raised on. Due to the diversion of corn to be feedstock for making ethanol the cost of all of them will rise EVEN more.  Beef is already on a roll and this is only going to make it worse.
The greens will say meat is an inefficient use of corn. They think we should all be vegetarians. The problem with this scenario is that I am a man. A real man. The nature of males with masculine features is to require meat for production of an array of hormones that are essential for our well being. If I eat like a vegetarian THAT’s what makes me fat.  I have to eat like a hunter gatherer in order to maintain being slim.  I’ve tried this several times because of the associated arterial clogging that is supposedly associated with beef. However I’ve found that more likely the vegetarian diet will make me both fat and diabetic.  Carbs are merely a more complex form of sugar as far as my body is concerned. Doesn’t matter to girly liberals. They’re in touch with their feminine side.  Fine for them. Lousy for me. I’m a conservative and a manly man. There is definitely a correlation in that area or they would be just as pained as me. I’m going to have to pay thru the nose to maintain my testosterone levels now.Â
This is going to end up blowing up in the greens face. Their dogmatic following of their MMGW religion will not work with normal non-neurotic people who will all eventually know MMGW is a huge and comical hoax in the pattern of Chicken Little. In this case we get little chicken!