How many times have I woken up in the morning to the helicoptors beating the air early in the day. Not just one helicopter.  I’ve seen 4 and 5 of you at a time when the story is marketable.  Now some of you are no more and you are a marketable story yourselves.  

Am I sorry you are gone ? Yes its terrible this happened.  Am I surprised ?  NO!

This collision is a metaphor for what the press is doing to the country.  If the story is sellable you’ll tell it from the angle that sells best even if its wrong or short sighted and ignore everything around the story that might be relevant but not sellable.  In this case focusing in on the sellable to the expense of your safety cost you.  That’s fair to do when all it does is cost you.  Is it fair when you do it with regards the country and its costs the one truly ALMOST kind of free nation?  The cradle of democracy could use you taking a break.

It just seems like the news business who’s only interest is selling stories to people.   As in any standard sell job its the story that sells best that gets told.  Not the real one.  The problem is real life deviates from classic story telling lines that sell best.  Thus it seems any coincidence with the truth is a full on accident.

My condolences to the victims and families.  My condolences to the country for the low grade information factories that are killing.



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