Preface: I am athiest. To me its totally obvious Global Warming is a religion. Thus I partake neither of wafers of carbohydrate nor chicken little scams for the intent of being anti-capitalist.  That being said……….

Partial birth abortion is nuts. You have to draw the line. I am perfectly in favor of liberals having more abortions and in the case of Ted Kennedy a retroactive one.  Its sure to lower the liberal voter turnout at the poles 18 years hence. Anything that does that I am totally in favor of. 

However at some point between the first trimester and the point where the little SOB has made it except for the infants head it becomes murder.  Ok maybe there really is no such thing as life. Maybe we’re all chemical/nanotech robots made of carbon but it seems to be very ungenerous to kill an infant when its gotten all the way out cepting the cranium is still in the vagina.  Liberals are fond of  passing themselves off as generous but to me they seem singularly not so.  How about just not being a total wanker and planning your schedule around your abortion such that the little fudger isn’t fully developed when you kill him.  Only a sappy headed liberal would not see that as murder. That from me a totally skeptical atheist who believes we are biological machines. 

Do not ever let the fact that we are biological machines keep you from seeing the magic of being human.  The magic is all around you.  As dismal as most of these liberals seem I’m not surprised that while they can see that there is no god, they try to recreate god in the guise of MMGW ( man made global warming ).  Conservative atheists realize there is no god and then proceed to worship gods of their own creation realizing they are figments of their imagination.  In my case that would be science and the laws of physics.  Do you see me out on a street corner or on TV trying to shove this religion down your throat ?  Noooo.  I’d feel like a fool.  I’d know I was trying to sell a sham product.  Science is a religion too and I made it so for myself every bit as much as L Ron Hubbard made Scientology.   Thus I find believers in god more tolerable than liberal atheists.  At least the believers aren’t trying to drag me to church with them.  MMGW true believers want to control every aspect of my life through carbon offsets!



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