I miss snow – My Norwegian Neighbor

Here in Brazil I have a couple of neighbors who are roomates.  One is from Portugal and the other is from Norway. The Brazilian call them Nor-Wegges which is pretty funny sounding.  His money quote is said with the forlorn voice of a guy who misses home.  “I – miss – snow” .   It may not be all that funny to you but it is to us here.  Its sunny and the girls don’t wear too much.  And he misses snow! 

Democrat Party is the Party of the Rich-Who Would Have Guessed? Think Thermodynamics

  QUESTION: Democrat Party is the Party of the Rich-Who Would Have Guessed? ANSWER = Anyone with common sense.  Don’t have common sense?  Let me clarify the situation for you.  EXPERIMENT #1:  Put 100 people in a room.  99 people get 100 dollars.  1 person gets 100,000 dollars.  Assume each person has the same levels of intelligence.  Question:  Who has the economic power?  Who can afford to pay the money required to direct the actions of the other 99 people ?  Answer:  If the guy with the 100,000.  Easy right?  Observation:  If you have 100,000 dollars you can be king ? Read more…

The Name Rush Limbaugh Used in High School

Back in the 90’s I had an engineering technician named Jim Hinton that grew up in Cape Girardeau Missouri .  This happens to be the home town of Rush Limbaugh.  As recounted to me by Jim Rush went by the name RUSTY back then.  This name holds alot of mirth for me.  Its just an inherently funny name and its obvious why Rusty uses Rush now.  I don’t agree with Rush on totally everything but I do admire him and find him to be an inspiration when he talks about doing what you like to do and how that is the only thing Read more…

For Future Reference, No New Taxes Have Been Required for the New Electric Cars Coming Out

  The original GM effort with electric cars was the EV1.  This was an effort originally compelled by Californias zero emission laws in the 90’s.  What happened to it ?  It died because it was compelled. When a government compells any sort of product the process is akin to rape.  They are forcing people to do something they do not want to do.  Why its magically alright to do this to a company and not to a woman is the eternal mystery.  Like a woman a company has its own good reasons for not wanting to consort with any given idea.  For Read more…

Notes on the El Rushbo Name Form Slang-Origins

In the 80’s I was working in Radar during the Reagan presidency.  My boss Ron and I went to the delta force headquarters in North Carolina to pitch a type of radar to them.  Did not sell.  Down in the bowels of the headquarters on the wall of the Delta force I saw on the wall a Rambo – Reagan mashup.  It was Reagan’s head on Sylvester Stallones body.  I’m not exactly sure what all it said but the important take away was  RON-BO.  I remembered this because I immediately started calling my boss Ron-bo.  He in turn called me Fred-bo.  Read more…

Deuce of Clubs HotLinked Image Bait and Switcharoo

Deuceofclubs.com is a website that is run by a rather amusing fellow.  His site originally gained notoriety with a phone booth in the middle of the Mohave Desert.  This phone booth as popularized and people from all over the world started calling people who camped out by the phone to received the calls.  Can you say beneficial cycle ??  I knew you could. He can be a bit cranky sometimes when people hotlink photos from his site.  It uses some of his bandwidth and thus causes him consternation.  Thus when he discovers a hotlinked photo he switches a different photo in Read more…

Any Confidence Man Will Testify That a Real-Estate Man is the Fattest and Juiciest of Suckers

I’ve learned alot of lessons over the years on how to spot bullshit.  While reading an exerpt from the book that inspired the movie “The Sting” I saw alot of the called out.  See if you can avoid thinking about Al Gore or alot of other politicians as you read them.  Of course the title of this post has been specially selected considering the sub prime mortgage mess. Big-time confidence games are in reality only carefully rehearsed plays in which every member of the cast except the mark knows his part perfectly Stupid or “lop-eared” marks are often played; they are too Read more…

The People of Global Warming MMGW Versus Wikipedia

The People of Global Warming – MMGW  Somehow I managed to randumbly run across a Thomas Freidman article Coulda,Shoulda, Woulda .  In this article he argues we missed a huge opportunity after 9/11 to put taxes on imported oil.   Exerpt below: In the wake of 9/11, some of us pleaded for a “patriot tax” on gasoline of $1 or more a gallon to diminish the transfers of wealth we were making to the very countries who were indirectly financing the ideologies of intolerance that were killing Americans and in order to spur innovation in energy efficiency by U.S. manufacturers. Typical liberal. He Read more…

Beware Debtors – Pay Your Debt or Your Debt May Be Sold to Someone Scary

I talked with a neighbor once about credit card collections.  She was black and a close friend. She intimated that at times nonperforming debt is often sold to other companies for pennies on the dollar.  Some of the most successful companies in that field are black thugs as she put it.  They get your social security number and then go to town.  Alot of them do not restrict their efforts to legal methods. Take Away? – Pay your debts.  Its the right thing to do anyway. Â