Giant Butterflys Spotted in Brazil – Gigante Borboleta Visto no Brasil

I was walking home from shipping a package and I notice a pretty girl walking between the main building of a pet shop supply store and a house next door.  I was enjoying watching the best part of her as she walked when it appeared something hit her in the face. She screamed, ducked and ran for the door of the house.   I stopped, looked and wondered what had happened.  Then I saw it.  A butterfly the size of a baseball glove when fluttering by.  It was huge. I starting laughing loudly and looked at the girl peeking out the door.  Read more…

Distribution of Portuguese in the World

Emarketbrasil is a portuguese language free classified site.  Its targeted at Brazil but since it gets most of its traffic from google search results any portuguese speaker in the world is likely to catch one of its pages. The Alexa distributions below shows this distribution. There is some obvious bias in the numbers due to Spanish speakers.   There is also obviously Alexas country bias.  That said it shows a reasonable estimation of where Portuguese speaking people live.

Presidents Faces on Money – Before Natural Dieties – Now it is Caesars Face

I am totally athiest.  That is the assumption of this article.  Before the currency of the USA had natural and animistic beings and deities on it.  Now they only have Caesar and his mausoleums. The photos in the left column show coins before 1925-ish.  The photos in the right column show currency after 1925-ish.                     What does this say about our Democracy? About us?  I think it says the people at the top of the power structure are more given to command / control society and they constantly push us in a Read more…

Liars and How to Spot them in Person – Develop your Spider Sense

I was in Banco do Brasil waiting to pick up my automatic teller card.  They do not have you stand in line when waiting for this non-teller type of assistance.  The do not have you take a number either.   Thus you are stuck sitting there concentrating on who got there ahead of you. In walked a girl.  She was not attractive. She was not wildly ugly.   However she just looked a little weird.  Somehow I knew that she was going to try to cut in the erstwhile waiting que. She had 2 books.  I could see both were on astrology.  In the set Read more…

How to Make it Look Like An Email Came From Any Address

  Spammers and Phishers use the fact you can send an email and make it look like it came from any email address. You can do this too if you if you want. However I like using it for humorous purposes such as when someone flames you for some nurdy geeky reason by sending you a nasty-gram email.   You can email them out of the blue from TERMS-OF-SERVICE.   Another application is the BAT LOW page to cell phone prank.   If you send a BAT LOW page to a friend and it comes from your email address then its not so effective. Read more…

Donde Esta El Banos – Where is the Bathroom?

The following events occurred between  1:20 and 1:35 pm, February 15,2001 After class today I felt a large movement coming on.   I wanted a chocolate muffin too so as I was near the MU I decided muffin first.   I got the muffin and then decided I really needed to go….but it just does not look right to take a poo while eating a chocolate muffin.  I then calculated that I would get about to the bookstore by the time I finished the muffin and then duck in to use the banos ( bathroom).  My calculations were inpecable as always. I tossed the Read more…

Faux DrudgeReport Headlines Written as a Spoof

I have a friend who is the master of poop humor.  Poop humor of all types.  No one else I have ever known has shown the prowess with this genre that my friend Mark demonstrates.  Yes he is the king. Thus in the vein of parodying several recent DrudgeReport news link outs I wrote this and sent it to him. You know you are in trouble when you are on the drudgereport…..                                                                Mark Von Fudgen indicted on Poop Porn Charges Claims to be able to tell the difference between male and female poop It was only Sorbet !!!! Agent Read more…

OCD Infinite Internet Browsing Loop.

The OCD infinite internet browsing loop is the loop around your personal favorite internet pages.  Mine goes something like this: 1- 2- 3- 4- I-Cringley 5- 6- On a really boring day when you are glued to your desk sometimes you find yourself bringing up a fresh browsing and dialing in one of your favorites without thinking about it.  Only when you get there you realize you’ve already scanned the fresh stuff. I guess this is what using feeds is all about but I don’t use them yet.   

Climatalogical UFOS – Climate Change is Treated Similarly to UFOs in the Press and Cultural Mind

When I was a kid I was was very interested in UFO’s.  As it turns out there has been several waves of UFO sightings in history.  Their descriptions have changed with the ages of man.  A sphere, egg, cylinder and saucer have been reported since the middle ages.  In our latest age since 1947 a saucer has been the shape of preference.  Its easy to convince you that UFO’s are a fabrication of imaginative people either looking for some entertainment or book revenue.  The shape style of the UFO has change through the ages.  This is because the information we are mentally Read more…