When the Portuguese Tried to Retain Their African Colonies

The following story was recounted to me by my Portuguese neighbor here in Brazil. The troop of guys would go into a village and look for a pregnant girl.  They would cut the baby out of her stomach and put it up on a stick. I’m right wing.  I’m pretty disciplined.  But you would never get me to do this.  I would probably start offing my guys if they did this.  Its hard to believe this story but my common sense says that history is full of such act.  Think of this next time when you think governments are forces for Read more…

Tommy and Tordy Tell Of a Time that Norwegian and Swedish May Not be Spoken

My neighbors here in Brazil are from Portugal, Norway and Sweden.  Tordy of Norway tells me that a majority of people under the age of 65 in Norway speak english.   Tommy says a similar thing about Sweden.  According to them their is alot of english on their televisions.  Norway has a population with a grand total of 4 million people. Essentially one large city in the USA. In order for them to have a successful economy they must hook into a larger business economic complex.   Looking at the Pareto chart one can see the most efficient choice for this.  That of the Read more…

Where did the term Mulata come from?

Mulata is a term for a cross bred human constituted from Black and White races.  The term originates from MULE. The cross bred result from a horse and donkey.  However while mules are very rarely fertile quite the opposite is true with humans.  If the country in question is Brazil the women are VERY fertile. You can immediately see this from their hip to waist ratios.  To put it bluntly these women are the classic coke bottle shape every man wants in a woman.  They want this shape because it is a signal of fertility. Some people take offense to this Read more…

Cultural Differences-Socialist Will Eat Your Lunch Without Asking-Struggle to be a Prince

A couple of my neighbors here in the Brazilian compound are from Sweden.  They are generally ok guys.  The contrast between them and my latin neighbors from Portugal is clear. They get into your fridge and eat things that do not belong to them without asking.  Their socialist mindset is clear.  When they want something they modulate their interpersonal distance to the close latin one. At all other times their interpersonal distance is more Germanic.  Thus when they cook many times they do not offer you some of the results. Even when they use your cheese and ham. All this and Read more…

How to Increase You Intelligence Using Pyramid Power

Researchers have discovered it may indeed be possible to increase your intelligence using a pyramid power and indeed go on to suggest that there maybe something called pyramid power.  Here are the steps 1- This step is only effective if you have faith that pyramid power works. If you think there is something to be gained from pyramid power read on.   Form a pyramid shape from drinking straws. Its easy using tape and scissors.  After you have formed a pyramid of the same form factor as the classic pyramids of Egypt you are ready. Place it on your head.  You will Read more…

How Long Will it Take to Die From Global Warming MMGW

This is an excellent question and it requires a 2 part answer depending on whether you believe in MMGW or not. If you believe: When you exhale you put out CO2 from your lungs.  Thus you are increasing the process of anthropogenic warming.  Therefore you should immediately hold your breath.  You will thus die in something under 10 minutes. If you do not believe  Do not hold your breath.

Environmentalist Movement Mayhem-It Goes Deeper Than you Think

  I am one true green buddha god.  Worship no other! I was at my neighbor Tord’s house this evening for a barbeque.  He had a female Norwegian guest who was studying “political science”.  Quotes are put there because as you might suspect what these folks are taught seems to be anything but science.  In an among all the misguided crap she spewed was an interesting nugget for its demonstrative qualities.  According to her the USA so abuses its resources that it is required to import fresh water from central america.  I’m highly skeptical that this is happening.  Simply put the Read more…

Is it Possible to Pick Fly Shit out of Black Pepper?

The essense of the problem is one of detection.  There is a whole area of signal processing called SIGNAL DETECTION THEORY.  Its an interesting course.  I took it from Doug Cochran as ASU.  So how do you pick fly shit out of black pepper?  You can not do it.  The joke infers that the 2 things are identical.  Being indentical they can not be discerned. So stop worrying.  You won’t taste the difference.

How Long Will Wikipedia Last?

The following is cut and paste from a comment about WIKIPEDIA Poster #1 Infuriating features of Wikipedia practices are: 1.The ease with which an article can be torpedoed by half wits. 2. Failure by Wikipedia to recognise the validity of a topic that only the writer has published and worked on in any depth, and by its archaic rules that disallow referring to one’s own work which provides detailed theory to be followed up. 3.The sheer bureacracy involved in submitting an article for it to be retained by the system. Poster #2 One of the principal problems with Wikipedia is its Read more…