Now that I am a little older, no longer a child, I have enough life experience under my belt to tell you that assuming other people are just like you is insufficient thinking for this world we live in.
Come on Oswald… Pull the trigger!
The unfortunate fact of life is that we are bio units made in a biological factory. Most units pass the 6 sigma test and come out fairly happy, healthy and destined not to go on a shooting rampage. Other units AKA humans come out broken. Like the bulb that doesn’t work straight out of the package or the motherboard that goes up in smoke when you upgrade your computer. What are you going to do?
When I was younger I used to think everyone was a linearly scaled replica of me. That is to say all my natural parameters were merely enhanced or diminished somewhat but still the same basic mechanism. Kind of like a wrist watch, a wall clock and a coo coo clock are all variations on one another. Â
Then I had a room mate named Jeff. Nothing went right for Jeff. In fairly short order I noticed that things were different for him than they were for 99.99% of the rest of the people of the world.  Firstly I was informed that he was a virgin at age 35. (!). He was absolutely frightened of women. So as a good buddy roomate I took him to a massage parlor were the women were absolutely gorgeous and got him an appointment with a strawberry blond with a sweet disposition. Half way through his massage she looked at him and said he looked familiar. Turns out they were second cousins! ooops!  Now if this were an isolated event I would not have recounted it. However with this guy it was not. Although it can be chalked up to coincidence other things could not.  His persistant negative attitudes completely stunted the development of his personality. I once saw my dog Jake sitting on his lap. I looked at him there and asked myself “Who has more personality?” ……….The answer was obvious…..Jake had more personality!!!! ( I’m an engineer so take this seriously!)
People as charming as this are extremely rare, yet do exist.
Maybe we should look at these people somewhat like a  negative – Beyonce. However you know them when you experience them do you not?  People as charming as Beyonce are extremely rare and if you are I suggest you report to my door immediately.Â
Likewise people with so little charm as Cho are extremely rare but do exist.  It is a symtom of something broken more deeply in him.   However in cases of such people most times they do not snap and kill 33 people.  They do however cost you if you end up in too close of proximity whether they snap or not. People naturally evade these individuals because they are such spiritual energy sinks.Â
How to protect yourself ? You must make a lifelong study from a distance of people. Truly abnormal behavior will generally reveal itself as obviously as Beyonce’s beauty.   I am a sensor type personality ( 4 types – sensor / thinker / feeler / intuitor ). Thus I can not be in a room with other people and concentrate on something else. This is because I will compulsively sense the other people.  Thus for the most part I’ve always been able to detect crazies quickly. I have a friend who is a thinker…..he takes much longer and sometimes never gets the answer right because he becomes lost in logical analysis when sensing gives the answer right away. Thus you should cultivate a part of you which is a sensor. However this is difficult as its like a leopard trying to change its spots. Â
Another method is to become a story hound. When I talk with friends or strangers I always try to gleen something new. An example of this is when I am in the line at the post office. There I have met many many different types of people. As many are old they usually have at least one bizarre story. The most colorful to date is a hitler youth that lived in Brazil after the war. He had a cold sensation about him I might add. I feel I didn’t get all the details as he wasn’t telling.
So its real work but it can pay off. You never know when.  And the fact is normal psychology is interesting but abnormal is possibly more likely to save your life.
In the end it seems this Cho is somewhat the Lee Harvey Oswald type. He wanted to be something, to be somebody.  Great ambition with low charisma quotient that results from and is piled on top of mental illness is a bad combination.  Its pretty hard to create something beautiful when you’re in such bad condition. Thus the only thing left is to destroy. Its an extreme example of High Ambition crossed with low capabilities.