This online tool allows you to estimate how much energy and power you can generate at a given location with photovoltaic solar panels.

NREL's PVWatts Calculator

This section is regarding how you are treated by the electric utility company in Ohio 

Frequently Asked Questions > "Renewable energies"

Is Net-metering available where I live?

Net-metering is available to customers installing eligible energy production facilities throughout the FirstEnergy service territories. Each kWh of energy received from the customer offsets the energy delivered to the customer on a one for one basis, up to the amount of energy delivered to the customer during a billing period. Excess energy received from the customer is credited to the customer's account at the applicable generation component of the customer's rate schedule. See:

  • Guess: This phrase above means you get compensated for the kWh charge but not the network distribution charge. – need to confirm / deny with Roger's friend or FirstEnergy

Ohio Edison Retail Interconnection

Solar Electric Design

  • Usage: Billing Period: Jun 24 to Jul 24, 2018 for 31 days: 540 KWH used


Trina Module: Trina 340W Mono TSM-DE14A(II)-340W PERC MONO

  • 77.0 × 39.1 × 1.57 inches



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