Hi and welcome to the x22 reportspotlight today we have a returningguest Jeff Nielsen Jeff is a writereditor managing partner of bullion BullsCanada he's published approximately athousand commentaries on mainstream newsand precious metals websites around theworld and I am very happy to have himback on the x1t to report spotlight Jeffwelcome back to the spotlight hi Daveit's great to be backhey thanks for being here and let's juststart off with the economy right now inthe US we have the debt ceiling comingup September we have the budget whichonly goes to September 30th and we'vebeen seeing retail stores closed housingreally not doing them especially inCanada where we see a lot of thingswhere they're headed the opposite waynow where the bubbles seem to bedeflating a little bit I wanted to getyour take on how you see the economy andwhere do you think it is headed rightnowwell I actually wrote a piece just acouple of months back talking about theGreat Western depression because I Ithink the entire Western world has beenin this steady downtrend since the crashof away there mean there's there's neverbeen any economic recovery in any ofthese nations of any great significancethe only thing that has masked thesteady deterioration in our economiesare the housing bubbles because ofcourse when you use these ridiculousfraudulent ultra-low interest rates tomanufacture housing bubbles you get someincidental economic activity along withthat you get a lot of construction forinstance so of course that puts somedollars into the pockets of workingpeople and of course that's what reallymakes economies healthy you know not thefat getting fatter but you knowmiddle-class people actually having somedisposable income and so these housingbubbles that have been deliberatelyfabricated across the Western world whatthese Rajal and interest rates have beenmasking the level of deteriorationacross the West and of course probablythe USis deteriorating faster and moreseverely than everyplace else but youdid just mean that they tell you no gotmuch bigger lies to pretend the oppositewhat's very interesting is there's a lotof things that are starting to remind meof 2008 previous to when the market camedown where we saw like Bear Stearns theywere in troubleAIG was in trouble up in Canada we seehome Capital Group they're in troubledepositors have been taking their fundsout of that financial institutionthey're in troublewe have been go popular in Spain wherethey just had a bail in and I believethis is probably the just the first stepbecause we know there's going to beother banks that are going to fall andthey're going to have to use the bailand documents when you're looking atthis and you see these things happeninghere it does this remind you of 2008I've certainly agree with you that thisis another very strong signal that we'reat the very end of this bubble and crackcycle and and of course there's two waysyou can look at it you know you canpretend that all or you can you canassume that all of the mainstream medianews on the economy has been accurateand that we're actually at the you knowtop of our economic cycle and in thatcase the question you ask yourself ishow can we be having all of these bankson the verge of failure at the top ofthe economic cycle so of course you knowthat that should be a reality check fora lot of people who actually take thosestatistics seriously but then the otherside of the coin of course is if youfollow my premise that it's been pureyou know physical fabrication there'sbeen no economic growth and we've beensteadily deteriorating then of coursethat perfectly explains why we see banksgetting into trouble you know becausethat's when banks get in trouble it'snot when things are going up but whenthings are going down and and so this isanother indication that our economieshave been in a steady downtrend and notin a steady uptrend because we seecumulative banking problems in manyWestern nations and of course one of theonly reasons the US banks aren't moreobviously in trouble is simply becauseof how many trillions would stuff intotheir vaults following the crash avoidthat is true and what worries me is thebeginning of thisVelen I mean we saw the bail-in inCyprus I believe they were going to do abail in Greece but the people in Greecestarted to remove they started removingtheir funds from the banks and I thinkthey looked at it and said okay we can'treally bail in right now but the bank inSpain Banco Popular I think this is likeone of the first times where theyactually use the EU documents to bail inand you can see this is paving the wayand the United States has the documentsto bail in and you know when the banksgo down basically people are going tolose their money in inside the bankingsystem well I was really vocal aboutthis I went back and I think it was 2013when this this whole massive new form ofbank fraud became the next wave and justplaying out that there there's this istotally lawless behavior there is no wayin our legal system that you can createany context where what they're doing islegitimate there there is no possibleargument in contract law or equity orany other facet of our our legal systemthat could possibly justify this sort ofconfiscation of wealth and of courseit's especially true with respect todepositors versus the bank becausethey're the whole premise of conningpeople into putting their savings intobanks is a simple bank accounts is thatoh it's the safe place to put your moneyso the idea that depositors could beengaging in some sort of implicitcontract with the bank to make theircapital available to the bank get intotrouble is absolutely outrageous becausethe reality is the exact opposite nobodywould ever put their money into the bankunless they thought that money wasabsolutely secure and of course thatwould mean they would could never beavailable for a bail in so I thinkthat's why we see with this latestSpanish bailout that they didn't touchthe depositors I think that thecriminals at the top have understood nowthat this is anthe ultimate red flag and they're onlygoing to get one crack at stealingdepositor money so I think what you'regoing to see with these these bail andfrauds is there's going to be a bigbailing it's going to be coordinatedacross the Western world at the verypeak of the crisis that is beingmanufactured for us and at that pointyou know depositors will not be safebecause like I said the criminals knowthey're going to get one kick at thiscat only and they're going to grab asmuch as they can from everybody as manypeople as they can so you're saying likewhen the system goes down they're justgoing to do one bailing because they'venever get it and for exactly the reasonyou talk about with Greece as soon asthe people got this sense of this wascoming they started pulling their moneyout of the system so you know once anybail and is done where depositors areskinned that's going to cause people tostart pulling money out of the funds ofbanks in general and of course this isso this is the perverse part of thiswhole bail and fraud is the thing thatis of the utmost importance to thebanking crime syndicate is that we keepthe absolute maximum amount of ourwealth in their hands and so but theygot so greedy and they brought it was sogreedy and so desperate that theybrought in this form of bail in fraudand now they're starting to understandthat it's like the proverbial you knowweapon that you can never afford to usebecause you know once they use it thefirst time they're on the banking systemwill never ever be trusted again thepeople will never ever put this level oftheir wealth into the hands of the crimesyndicate and so it'll permanentlydiminish itself and so you know this isthe quandary for the crimes and againthis is why it's going to be a one-shotdeal because you know it's going to beyou know a moment of ultimate greed orultimate desperation where they simplysay hey we have the opportunity to dothis we're going to do it because we'repsychopaths and we can't resist you saidsomething very interesting that I meanone this is a one-shot deal and then thetrust factor because if we go back tothe 30s they had to insure the depositsto make everyone feel comfortable yesyou know bring yourdeposits back will insure them the banksare safe back in 2008 people were verynervous and they said oh no we're goingto do stress tests this way we're goingto be we're going to make sure that thebanks are okay and we knew these werecompletely fake and phony but now ifthey do this bailing are the banksfinished after that I mean how how arethey going to gain the people's trustonce again I mean there's there's no waybecause we know they'll have exposedthemselves for what they areyou know institutions of crime becausethey're because is see people problem isis because no depositors have beenskinned so far in the outside of thisone event in Cyprus basically everybodywent to sleep right after that you knowin terms of the general masses but likeI say the moment that the average Joeget some of his bank account nicked youknow even though it's only 5% you knowthat's going to focus attentionimmediately you know that's the sort ofthing that can still get riots in thestreets because you know it's the sortof of because it has been preciselybecause of the trust factor it would belike the ultimate betrayal you know thebanks and our governments assuring usthat yes there is no place or state sosorry no safer place in the universe foryour wealth than inside a bank and thenthe bank robber so it's all you knowonce you're betrayed in that manner youknow how do you how to do the bankersever recover from that well they canyeah you don't have to worry about thepeople coming in with masks and gunsbecause the people live in a robbed youare in suits ties and they're workingbehind they're working behind the deskthere the equip equip I made right aftervalence are brought in which they gavethe phrase bank robbery entirely newmeaning let's move on to on preciousmetals that we see precious metalsthey're being suppressed once againtoday I think it was a thirty thousandcontracts that were thrown at gold andwe're really not seeing precious Maninimoving up but they're continuallysuppressing them we know I think was oneof the banks I think was Deutsche Bankor HSBC where we we heard there was aindividual that wasactually manipulating the preciousmetals and he admitted to it and we cansee that precious metals they're stillbeing manipulated do you see anything inthe future or anything that you've beenlooking at where do you think preciousmetals are going to finally break freewell I've been consistent you know allalong over the past few years in sayingthat the only thing that will ever allowthe markets to go higher is going lowerfirst and so in particular you know lastyear I talked about the fake rally andhow the markets were being brought up sothat they could be taken down hard andthen you know we saw kind of a soft takedown you know at the end of the yearearly into this year and then it'stripped up a bit again so it's almostlike this this I have the hurricane sortof phenomenon where whether we're justgetting this lateral drifting wherethere's really no significant movementone way or the other but I still haven'tchanged my viewpoint in order forprecious metals to break out of thischokehold that the bankers had on thissector since 2011the markets have to go lower firstbecause because they're mean prices areextremely low already but but when theywhen they're they're crashed lower youknow along with of course the broadermarket because of course that's anecessity the banks cannot allowprecious metals to appear to be a safehaven in a time of panic so preciousmetals must be taken down with all ofthe other markets and so it will be doneso but when that takedown occurs it willtake prices to such a stupidly low leveland cause such an extremely strongdemand response that coming out of thatthere's there's simply no way even withall of the manipulative might of thiscrime syndicate possesses that it canprevent a relief rally and of course itshould be a much more robust rally thanwhat we saw through 2009 2011 becausethe sector is now much more suppressedthan it was coming out of the crash ofo8 but on the other hand we might seethe opposite we might see a good rallybut not quite as an excuse me not quitethe same magnitude because of the factthat the crime syndicate now wields thisextra manipulative might with theirtrading algorithms so this is thedifference but at this point in timeversus say 2009 coming out of the lastcrash is in 2009 there did the bankingcrime syndicate still had not takencomplete control of markets with theirtrading algorithms and this is one ofthe reasons we saw such a strong rallyin precious metals from 2009 through2011 because the trading algorithms werenot yet a militant but then what we'veseen since that time is the algorithmit's becoming all powerful in terms ofmanipulating markets and we saw thatfrom 2011 through 2016 where the bankerswere simply able to force down preciousmetals any and every time the marketsshowed signs of breaking out and youknow for people that follow technicalanalysis you've seen you know a half adozen occasions over that period of timewhere the gold market or the silvermarket are both made very cleartechnical breakouts that basically werea certain indicator of a at least amedium-term rally and then instead themarkets got stuck backdoor immediatelyso that that capacity to reverse marketsagainst those sorts of technical trendsdid not exist prior to this latest cyclenow you mentioned that precious metalshave to go lower how low are you talkingabout well I always like to look forclues from the crime syndicatethemselves and of course when you talkabout the crime syndicate that alwaysstarts with goldman sachs and what havewe been hearing from Coleman Sachs likea broken record for about six years nowgold 1000 USD so my personal belief youknow ever since I conceived that 1000 USD was actually possible was that yes itwould be taken down to a thousanddollars just so Goldman Sachs could saythe Goldman Sachs was right because ofcourse that's this you know this is avery big part of the crime syndicatemystique is they want to present the theillusion that they're actually simplyyou know really good at what they dorather they just have a chokehold ongovernments and it's your cold onmarkets that allows them to robeverybody blind so do you think they'rebringing it down to one thousand socentral banks and other individuals canpurchase a lot more of it no because Imean that the the hope and of courseagain we of we can look at history sowhat happened in the crash of o8 was thesupply of silver dried up completely andin terms of physical silver the onlyphysical silver that was available whenthe market hit the bottom was basicallyhundred ounce bars and larger so youknow the average person was basicallyshut out of the silver market becausethere's very few average people that canyou know had enough even at that priceof you know nine dollars an ounce orwhatever to you know get a hundred starby hundred ounce bars so so so this isthe thing that happened last time is isthat the silver supply dried upcompletely now this time around I wouldnot be the slightest bit surprised tosee the same thing happen with the goldsupply so what will happen when we seethese precious metals markets crashed isguest the paper prices are going to godown to say a thousand dollars an ouncefor gold and you know maybe even tendollars an ounce Raziel ver but theproblem is is there won't be any metalavailable except very largedenominations and you know they mostlyknow the wealthy people soaking up thoseI wanted to move on to an article thatyou wrote that had something called oneBank and I wanted you to explain whatthe one Bank is well you know going backto the early days of my writing what Iobserved with you know what I now callthe banking crime syndicate is isexactly that it was behaving like asyndicate it was there was obviouscollusion and and so my initialestimation of this was that it was justa basic oligopoly and for those of youraudience that aren't familiar with thatterm and Oleg awfully it's a smallcollection of companies which collude inorder to act like a monopoly and exertcomplete control over their particularmarketer sector and so this is what Ihad assumed was the case originally isthat we had a collusion model betweenthese Western big banks so that's what Iwas my operating premise for severalyears then I came across this articleironically in Forbes magazine one dayand it was titled I believe the 420companies that run the world so thatnaturally got my attention but I delvedinto the article and what I found was itwas based on this computer model fromthis trio which was academics and whatelse have found is that Forbes hadmischaracterize the research because thegist of the research was not you knowtalking about these huge four hundredcompanies that were you know more orless running the world but within thiscollection of gigantic corporationsthese Swiss academics had identifiedwhat they called a quote unquote superentity this super entity was composed of144 corporate fronts with three-quartersof these corporate fronts beingfinancial institutions and so named theone bank so but that's not even the mostsignificant part because the researchwent on to say that this super entityeffectively controlled by itself40% of the global economy lates awaitthis the super entity controlled 40percent of the global economy so whatwe're not talking about a 40 percentpiece of all sectors we're talking about100 percent control of all the mostimportant sectors so of course it's theone bank so that at the heart of thebeast is the Bank in crime syndicate soit controls all of the big banksit controls Big Oil it controls BigPharma it controls big insurancecompanies what other evil it controlsbig agriculture I mean if you can thinkof a large evil cabal corporate cabalthat exists that's part of the 40% lapso how does this relate todoes it have any influence are theglobal economy I believe is estimated ataround 70 trillion some till aroundthere may be a bit more right now if youcontrol 40% of that that's essentiallylike like a twenty eight trillion dollareconomy so that's much larger than theUnited States so what we're talkingabout here is an entity a cry a crimesyndicate with with much greatereconomic mass than the entire UnitedStates well in terms of what expect butnote here note we're talking aboutcontrol and this was also a key to theresearch as it wasn't talking aboutownership it was talking about the onebank controls forty percent of theglobal economy and this is a sign of thetimes you know once upon a time when weour societies and our cultures observethe rule of law this wouldn't have beenas significant as it is today because insocieties that observe the rule of lawthe dominant legal relationship is theownership relationship you know if youown something in a society that observesthe rule of law that's that's preeminentbut of course we no longer live insocieties that observe the rule of lawand so the concept of ownership has beenwatered down to the point where it'salmost meaninglessyou know we're because the crimesyndicate wants to keep the veneer ofcivilization and the veneer of legalityin our societies we we still have lipservice to the concept of ownership andcertainly with respect to each other youknow all the little people are stillbound by the rule result ownership butof course the oligarchs are the crimesyndicate themselves are not at allbound by the rules of ownership and andnowhere is that better reflected thanwith respect to the bailing what is thegist of the bailing we have a bank whichcontrols a bunch of assets to otherpeople owned the bank snapped itsfingers and so idly the bank owns theassets so what its ownership meanownership means squat control meanseverything the one bank controls 40% ofthe global economythat's just as good as owning 40% of theglobal economy in our lawless societiesdo you know who like is there ahierarchical structure of the one bankis there is someone sitting I mean isthere a main bank sitting on top a cabalof oligarch so is this the New WorldOrder of course you got me Dave and ofcourse that's that's another one of thegreat myths that the crime syndicate isis created is is quote-unquote the NewWorld Order so you have thisall-powerful crime syndicate it's prettyhard to hide when you're control for thepercent of the global economy so how doyou do so you create a great big myththe New World Order so all of a suddenwhen people can sense this huge near animpotent force in the shadows and theycan't quite wrap their heads around itthey don't start looking at the banksthey can look at this new world orderthat the bankers have manufactured withtheir mythology this this socialist youknow one-world governmenthierarchy that's supposedly manifestingitself behind the scenes and I mean thisis the most ludicrous part about it youknow the idea that powerful people wouldbe getting together behind the scenes sothey could share the wealth like duringa break I mean if the bankers wanted tocreate this myth so for the crimesyndicate high pine at least they couldhave created a plausible myth I meanthey I'm assuming they also have tiesinto the precious metals market thenwell of course they have ties in a sensethat they're able to manipulate thesemarkets because of course they'veco-opted all markets with their papermarkets but no I mean and this is thisis a very important point and this ispart of the reason that there'spermanent suppression of precious metalsthe crime syndicate had a choice to makeand so here we should back up a bitso so the other thing I didn't get intocourse is the the age of this crimesyndicate one of one of my sort ofheroes and mentors is is a gentlemannamed Charles Lindbergh senior he's nowdeceased in fact he's been dead forquite a whilealmost a hundred years a hundred yearsago he wrote about this crime syndicatethat already had a chokehold on the USgovernment so the one bank is not newyou know the one bank is very old itgoes back at least a hundred years inmore or less present form and they'll beyou can certainly find people who willargue it goes back several centuries inin in some related form so this thisthis is the this is the ultimate oldworld order this is old money these arethe old houses of Europe that you knowhave migrated to some extent to the newworld but but only in in terms of theirpower base so I mean everything is stillbased in Europe and so for instance didyou see the documentary the fantasticdocumentary by bills still the moneymasters yesso if you'll recall in that documentarybill still pointed out that JP Morganwas nothing more than a Rothschildlieutenant so the supposedlyall-powerful JP Morgan was was just alackey of the old world order so yeah sothe point is the crime syndicate had hadcontrol of it certainly originally mostof the precious metals wealth that wasyou know not you know outside of theirclutches but then they had a choice tomake and it was going to be what kind ofempire did they want to base their crimesyndicate upon a hard asset empire or apaper Empire and they chose paper andthey chose paper for one very importantreason in air mines which is that if youconstruct a paper Empire it is much mucheasier to defraud people much fasterinto a much greater degree it's muchharder to rip off people with fraud inan honest money economy where people'swealth is sitting in their own pocketsand gold and silver yet those samepeople to you know have their wealth andpaper bank accounts and paper currenciesand you can rob them at will and ofcourse I'm pretty sure I've passed alongthe you know Alan Greenspan's famousquote before he joined the crimesyndicate himself in the absence of thegold standard there is no way to preventthe confiscation of savings throughinflation and of course you knowconfiscation of savings as euphemism fortheft of wealth and inflation is aeuphemism for theft by money printing soyou know this is this was Greenspan'sgreat warning before he joined the crimesyndicate is if you stray from an honestmoney economy you leave yourself open tounlimited fraud so this was the choicethe bankers made was to be an empire ofpaper fraud rather than a crimesyndicate that had to do they'restealing the old-fashioned way you knowone ounce of gold at the time so doesthis one bank I mean is this related tothe central bank is that what we'retalking about the central banks aretheir principal tools so we have the onebank and they basically use the centralbanks and so here's you see here's thepoint that people have to realize aboutthe central banks and the bankers havetoll assists themselves in their owncode if you listen to any central bankin the Western world they will tell youevery day of their life that they areindependent quote-unquote and peoplehave to understand what this means so wehave in each of our nations we have onea single economic system and in thateconomic system we have central banksand we have our governments so in anysystem you can only have one independententity that's just a matter of tautologyby definition only one entity can beindependent only one entity can betotally free totally free willindependent of everybody else bydefinition every other entity isdependent so when the central bank's saythey are independent they are sayingunequivocally that they are above ourgovernments and of course ourgovernments demonstrate this every dayof our lives by never attempting todivide central banks and of course in inthe u.s. we've seen a the classicexample of this when you knowoccasionallysome US politicians will have thetemerity to try to seek an audit of theFederal Reserve and the Federal Reservejust you know reacts in either contemptit's like you know what are you lackeyssaying we're independent we are aboveyou you don't tell us like to do we tellyou what to dothere is the government's there is thecentral banks there is the one bank andthe hierarchy could not possibly be anymore obvious so since the one bank theyown 40% of the global economy they canbring down the system or bring it up orthey could do whatever they want with itthen well but it goes beyond thisbecause again people have to understandthe full degree of evil in the monetarysystem that has been wrought and itstarts of course with the ultimatemonetary fraud of when the u.s. took itsinterest rate at 0% because of coursethere's no such thing as zero percentlending the whole term is a sham so 0%0% loan is free money so the u.s.monetary system went from being at leastquasi legitimate to totally illegitimateit presided funneling free money intothe hands of the big banks and see thisis where people have to understand thefull evil of our system with fractionalreserve banking with a fractionalreserve ratio that's currently about 35to 1 so between 2009 and 2013 B sBernanke conjured close to a well over 3trillion dollars of this 0% funny-money3 for the 3 trillion dollars he gave tothe big banks for free big banks thatare able to leverage all of thosetrillions by a ratio of 35 to 1 now thepoint is when you have a legitimatemonetary system where the banks areactually having to pay interest toborrow their own money even at thisfraud ratio of 35 to 1 there are limitson the amount of this funny money theycanunder into existence at a zero percentrate of interest there are no limits soBank a gets let's just for simplicitysake let's just say Bank a got the whole3 trillion from B s BernankeBank a lens that three trillion to BankB at zero percent interest and of courseit can lend at 35 to one so it landsBank B a hundred and five trilliondollars at zero percent Bank B takesthat one hundred and five trillion lensinto Bank C except at thirty five to oneand such with just three banks in thecrime syndicate you've already got fourquadrillion dollars now consider thatthere are dozens of these banks yeah andthey can do this daisy chain a fraud aslong as they wantso the moment B s Bernanke launched thisultimate monetary fraud it becameliterally ultimate counterfeiting theone bank was able to counterfeitinfinite dollars infinite the onlyproblem of course is they can't deployinfinite dollars because again it's justlike the bail in it's just this thisfraud that's so horrible and evil theywants people see it you know it'll betaken away from so you know if they justone bank you know went out tomorrow andtried to go into buying spree and to buyevery single asset on the planet of theearth your planet Earth and of coursewe're only require about 1/10 of itsmoney to do well sorry we're dealingwith infinite money through why are noteven you know its pocket change to dothat people would notice it's a wayintersection there's no something'sgoing on here this isn't right and thenof course the whole fraud comes to anend but until it reveals the extent ofthis fraud it's sitting with literallyinfinite quantities of funny money sowith the world basically drowning indebt we're at 0% interest rates Europeis a negative interest rates Japannegative interest rates where are theytaking the economy right now well so thepart of the big reason like there's twomain reasons for taking these interestrates for this ultra low levelfreezing their line was as I was sayingbefore because they wanted tomanufacture these real estate bubblesand of course they're going to pop thesebubbles and and and and take the biggersee the bigger the bubbles the worse thereal estate crash the worse the realestate crash the more millions ofpeople's homes they can steal in thewave of foreclosures it follows sothat's you know that's you know onefacet of the plant but equally importantreason for taking the interest ratesdown to this level and freezing therepermanently it's because all of theseWestern governments are bankrupt not notreally insolvent they're bankrupt andand we would see that instantly if anyof these bankrupt governments was forcedto pay a market rate of interest ontheir debt I mean what's the market rateof interest for the u.s. sitting withyou know 20 trillion dollars of debtwell probably you know ten percent soyou know that's two trillion dollars permonth in interest payments or sorry I'msorry two trillion dollars per year andinterest payments and is only what lessthan four trillion in revenues I meanhow long is you know can the u.s.pretend it's not bankrupt um you knowwhen it's paying 50% of its 50% of itsrevenues just to service the interestcurrently only paying ten to fifteenpercent so if you know it would besuddenly paying nearly four times asmuch to serve as its debt so instantbankruptcy and a statement for you knowvirtually all the rest of these Westerngovernments a few of them you know mightbe able to limp along for a couple moreyears before going bankrupt but it wouldjust be you know you know the old sayingit was a horse you'd put it out of itsmisery at that point so you're justsaying that I'm in the US and Europe andthe rest they're just going to gobelly-up they already have I mean butit's been a super good point is livingin this totally fraudulent world I callit the Wonderland matrix so we have thistotally fraudulent paradigm that's beenfabricated that everybody lives in itdoesn't exist and this paired with allmythological paradigm our governmentsare solvent the US economy is strong theUS dollar is the world's best currencyUS Treasuries are valuable assets wellyou know none of that exists in the realworld the US dollars already beendebauch to worthlessnessUS Treasuries are utterly worthlessbecause of the debts of a worthlessgovernment you know all of theseeconomies have been in it in its steadydepression all these years you know so Icall it the Wonderland matrix because inin the movie version the matrix thematrix that was actually a rationalplace in our Wonderland matrix it'stotally perverse because everything isthe opposite of reality nothing makessense nothing makes a slightest bit ofsense you know we've been talking aboutsome of that nothing this stuff makes itso I'm going to ask you this questionhow much longer can they keep all ofthis going then well you might be askingthe wrong person because I was convincedthey couldn't keep things going past2010 but but so so you know there's acouple of saves here you know one ofthem for people that are in the marketsis you know markets could remainirrational longer than you or I canremain solvent the other other sort ofgenerals saying is that in any sort ofyou know period of irrational mania youknow that you know irrationality isgoing to persist for much longer thanany sane person thinks it's possible soyou know I would like to think I'm seenand it's already persisted seven yearslonger than I thought it was possible sobut but the other side of the coin ofcourse is we're at these ridiculousbubble levels in our markets and aswe've talked course about previously insome of my visits to your show there'sno more profit for the crime syndicateto make in pumping these markets up anyhigher so in in the pastthat's always been a guarantee thatwe're going to have a near-term crashbecause you know the bubble and crashlike was their main business but thenagain as we just discussed the one bankis currently sitting with infinitedollars so you know does it does it eventhink it needs to make money in themarkets you know through manipulatingthem anymore maybe it's just totallycontent with control and so it's justgoing to you know keep inching themhigher and higher you know in theselittle burps upward you know next thingyou know it's going to be Dallas 40,000just thank you very much for being onthe x-22 report spotlight I reallyappreciate it thank you very muchhow can people see your writings wellyou know Idoing this much in my own sight billionBulls Canada these days I've beenranching out I still do a weekly articlefor Sprott money calm beyond that mynumber one gig these days is doingmarket work for company called sockoscalm and I help small corporationspromote themselves because these are thecompanies that are actually coming upwith new ideas creating jobs andactually helping our economies and soI'm doing some work that I can reallyenjoy and feel like I'm helping theworld but like I said I still keep myhand in the game with my writing respondmoney great Jeff thank you very much forbeing on the x-22 report spotlight Ireally appreciate it thank you very muchmy pleasure[Music]you[Music]you