The mmgw crowd is made up of NJF MSG’s who are lonely and totally square. How square do you have to be to make a deal out ice melting?   When you are hip to how to spot lies its easy to see MMGW is a transparent lie. And not a very good lie at that.  Its like so bad of a lie it is the picture window transparent style of lie.  Its the goofy type of lies that boyfriends tell girlfriends after they have walked in on them in the bedroom with another girl.  Oh that was not sex….that was me administering a life saving medical procedure. That was the naked Heimlich maneuver.
And you goofs who believe in it…prepare yourselves for great embarassments. For others will soon realize and look at you for the door knocking Jehovah Witnesses environmentalists that you are.  Quaint and backward and somewhat annoying. The only difference being the JoHo’s don’t want to coerce me like you do.   So in reality you are less cool than a JoHo and much more annoying because you don’t even know you are a religion yet. 



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