Muhammad has been out of work a really really long time and he is down to his last few bucks.  Get finally gets invited to an interview and he needs a suit so he goes to the haberdasher:

Muhammad:  I have an interview and I need a suit but I do not have much money.

Haberdasher:  Here try this one on.

Muhammad: How much is this?

Haberdasher: 300 dollars

Muhammad:  I only have 37.50

Haberdasher:  Er well here then try this one on

Moe tries it on and the right leg is short floodwaters style and the same thing with the right sleeve

Muhammad: I can't wear this.  This the leg and the arm are too short!

Haberdasher: Well just curl up your leg and arm gimpy style and walk like this

Moe thinks a little bit.

Muhammad: Well I really need this job and I have to have a suit so I'll take it.

So Moe exits the store walks a small distance with his gimpy short legged suit hiding walk and has to step over a couple of wine-o's sitting on the side walk leaned up against a building.  After he passes:

Drunk#1:  oooho…..wouldya look at that poor crippled guy!

Drunk#2:  Yeah but look at the suit he's got on!

Categories: Funny


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