The order of events which led me to believe this are as follows:

  1. I submitted a project write up
  2. The project was reviewed.  The project was not accepted, not rejected.  The explanation given was a cut and paste of their project guide lines. One of those guide lines included was that an electronic hardware project should have a working prototype.  However I included a photo of my existing prototype.
  3. When I complained mildly that their cut and paste of boiler plate guide lines not only was not specific but over looked the fact I had indeed included evidence of a working prototype they flat out rejected my project.

Given the amounts of cash involved in Kickstarter I have to assume that it would be very tempting to steer funding to friends and associates.  The weak nature of their feedback also suggests they are not looking for any new people to partake.  

Leave your comments and let me know if you have any evidence along these particular lines.  Until I receive information otherwise KickStarter is a fraud in my mind.

Categories: Fraud


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